R.E. News

Religious Education News - Week 2 Term 1
Religious Education Dates for 2024
- Wednesday 20thMarch - Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent/Child Information Night at 6pm
- Wednesday 22nd May - Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6pm
- Wednesday 5th June - Confirmation Information Night - 6pm
- Saturday 15th June - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 6pm
- Friday 14th June- Confirmation Reflection Day
- Thursday 22nd August - Confirmation Reconciliation service - 11:40am
- Bishop visit - Thursday 15th August at 2pm
- Saturday 24th August - Sacrament of Confirmation – 1pm and 3pm
- Thursday 31st July - First Eucharist Parent/Child Information Night at 6pm
- Saturday 10th August – First Eucharist Commitment Mass – 6pm
- Wednesday 23rd October - Eucharist Reflection Day
- Thursday 24th October - Reconciliation at 11:40am and practise
- Saturday 26th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 6pm
- Sunday 27th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 9:30am
Whole School Mass/Events
- Friday 9th February – Beginning of School mass – 2:20pm (Year 6 Leaders will be presented with their badges)
- Wednesday 14th February – Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:00am
- Friday 15th March - Year 6 leaders attending the Catholic Ed Week mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral
- Friday 22nd March - Harmony Day
- Thursday 28th March - Easter paraliturgy at 12:45pm
- Wednesday 24th April - St Mark’s Feast Day mass at 2:25pm and activities all day
- Friday 17th May - Family Week mass at 2:25pm and activities during the day
- Friday 31st May - Reconciliation Week liturgy and activities
- Friday 28th June - Naidoc Week assembly (1pm)
- Thursday 15th August - Feast of the Assumption Mass at 9am
- Friday 25th October - St Francis Blessing of the animals service from 9am to 9:15am
- Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day service at 10:55am
- Thursday 12th December - Year 6 Graduation at 6pm
- Friday 13th December - End of School Mass at 9am
50th Anniversary celebration activities
- Wednesday 24th April - St Mark’s Feast Day mass at 2:25pm and activities on the day
- Photo of whole school - Wednesday 22nd May 9.30 a.m.
Junior Information Nights
- Preps in Pyjamas – Wednesday 19th June at 6pm
- Year 1/2 Good Shepherd Night – Wednesday 7th August (6pm)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel Reflection by Dianne Bergant CSA
We know that we will all have to face some kind of suffering, and so we try to prepare ourselves for it. Yet when it comes, as prepared as we try to be, it can overtake us with such fury that we fall back defenseless. We look to others for support and assistance, and if we are fortunate, we find it. However, even in the most supportive of communities, suffering tends to alienate us from those who are healthy and secure. Suffering reminds us of our own finitude and the contingent nature of all of life. It threatens our sense of order.
Jesus is not deterred by human suffering. He welcomes all who approach him; his healing touch reincorporates those who have been ostracised; his loving embrace reassociates those who have been alienated. In the reign of God, there are no outsiders. All belong to Jesus, and, therefore, all belong to each other. When the one afflicted is embraced by the community, the community is an authentic manifestation of the inclusive reign of God.
In suffering we witness human vulnerability and our desperate need of each other and of God. There, at the edge of life and on the fringes of the community, we may experience the tenderness and compassion of God. The loving touch of Christ that can heal our souls, if not our bodies. It is there that we may most authentically participate in the cross of Christ. Joined to him we are anything but unproductive or worthless.