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Code Red Fire Danger

A reminder to all families, that on days of Code Red in the West & South Gippsland Fire Zone, all campuses will be closed.

This is a change to previous years, and we ask families to be aware of this in preparation.



Kurnai College University and Churchill Junior Campuses are on the Bushfire At-Risk Register and the Category 4 list.


School preparations for the bushfire season

Each year, to prepare for bushfires and grassfires, schools and early childhood services complete a range of activities. 

The Department of Education runs an annual fire risk assessment of schools and early childhood services. They are allocated a category of risk (categories 0 to 4) and are published on the Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR). 

All schools and early childhood services listed on the BARR and Category 4 list will also close when a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast in their fire weather district. 

When the Bureau of Meteorology provides public fire danger rating forecasts or fire weather warnings, they use fire weather district areas. In Victoria, there are 9 fire weather districts, which are based on Local Government Area boundaries. Our school is in the 

West and South Gippsland.

As part of preparing our school for the fire season, we have updated and completed our Emergency Management Plan our staff continue to maintain our grounds.


What does this mean for our school?

Our school has been identified as being at risk of bushfire or grassfire and is a Category 4 at our Churchill Campuses only.

Our school will close on a day forecasted as Catastrophic fire danger rating West and South Gippsland fire district. 


What is the department’s policy?

The department’s Bushfire and Grassfire Preparedness Policy requires all schools and early childhood services on the BARR and the Category 4 list to close when a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast in their fire weather district. All school bus routes which travel in or through a district with Catastrophic fire danger must also be cancelled. 


When will our school be closed due to Catastrophic fire danger?

Our school will close on a day forecasted as Catastrophic fire danger rating in West and South Gippsland fire district. 

Closure of the school due to a forecast Catastrophic day will be confirmed on the day prior and we will provide you with advice before the end of the school day. Any information regarding 


School preparations for the bushfire season

Each year, to prepare for bushfires and grassfires, schools and early childhood services complete a range of activities. 

The Department of Education runs an annual fire risk assessment of schools and early childhood services. They are allocated a category of risk (categories 0 to 4) and are published on the Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR). 

All schools and early childhood services listed on the BARR and Category 4 list will also close when a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast in their fire weather district. 

When the Bureau of Meteorology provides public fire danger rating forecasts or fire weather warnings, they use fire weather district areas. In Victoria, there are 9 fire weather districts, which are based on Local Government Area boundaries. Our school is in the 

West and South Gippsland.

As part of preparing our school for the fire season, we have updated and completed our Emergency Management Plan our staff continue to maintain our grounds.


What does this mean for our school?

Our school has been identified as being at risk of bushfire or grassfire and is aCategory 4 at our Churchill Campuses only.

Our school will close on a day forecasted as Catastrophic fire danger rating West and South Gippsland fire district. 


What is the department’s policy?

The department’s Bushfire and Grassfire Preparedness Policy requires all schools and early childhood services on the BARR and the Category 4 list to close when a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast in their fire weather district. All school bus routes which travel in or through a district with Catastrophic fire danger must also be cancelled. 


When will our school be closed due to Catastrophic fire danger?

Our school will close on a day forecasted as Catastrophic fire danger rating in West and South Gippsland fire district. 

Closure of the school due to a forecast Catastrophic day will be confirmed on the day prior and we will provide you with advice before the end of the school day. Any information regarding