Message from our

Campus Principal

Matt Jobling
Matt Jobling







Welcome back!

Our 2024 academic year has kicked off with a mixture of excitement and nerves as students settle themselves into their classes and engage with their courses after the summer break. Along with the nearly 150 students coming from our junior campuses into the senior campus, we have also welcomed more than 30 students to the University campus from other schools. Although most attended our Head Start program at the end of last year, there is still the initial high energy in finding classes, catching up with friends and meeting new people. We also have a few new staff and it is great to see across the campus that everyone seems to be settling in quickly and focusing on the learning for the year ahead.

Tuesday’s storm

This week’s severe weather event has meant extra challenges for many of our staff and students and their families, and we ask that students feeling like they need any support please speak to the Advocates and we will do what we can to help. We have access to showers and toiletries, can assist with charging devices, can provide food during the day if lunch is needed, and we have people available for counselling if anyone wants to discuss how they are coping. 

College Athletics

The College Athletics is on February 27 and students are reminded to have their permission forms completed through Compass so they can attend the day. This is a whole College event and there will be no scheduled classes. 

Engagement – one of our College pillars

Our teaching staff recently participated in a professional learning session with Dr Nathaniel Swain who emphasised many effective teaching practices to build engagement of students with their learning. As a college we are always striving to improve so we can provide a high-quality learning experience for all our students. One of the quotes Dr Swain referred to was that ‘Learning is not a spectator sport’ which reinforces the importance that we will do better as a group and as individuals if there is greater participation of everyone in the learning process. The role for teachers is to provide the strategies for participation and active involvement in the learning for students. The role for students at the senior campus is to attend classes, be prepared to learn, contribute to and actively participate in class and campus activities. By doing this, students are more likely to feel connected to school and enhance their opportunities to do well.