Proud Port Behaviours

Caitlin Green

We are proud to launch Proud Port Behaviours in 2024. Grounded in the worldwide evidence-based framework of ‘School Wide Positive Behaviour Support’, it works on these three pillars:

  • Teach students expected behaviours.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate positive behaviours.
  • Correct off-task and inappropriate behaviours.

Part of this is the roll out of our Proud Port Points system where students receive points for any of the three behaviour areas of being a learner, being respectful or being safe.

Points are collected in class and then tallied on a weekly basis. Points will earn individual and whole class rewards.


Students will spend one session a week being explicitly taught the ‘Proud Port Behaviours’. This curriculum is based around consistent expectations across the school. The behaviours fall into three categories: being a learner, being respectful and being safe. We know that a focus on student behaviours and explicitly teaching what is expected, leads to an increase in student engagement, sense of safety and overall academic progress.


As Proud Port Behaviours rolls out this year we will be sharing more information. 


Caitlin Green

Acting Assistant Principal Engagement and Inclusion