Important Notices 

Message from Bayside City Council - Parking and Safety around Schools

With the commencement of another term, it is timely to remind parents of the need to take care and obey speed restrictions and parking signs in the vicinity of our schools for the safety of our school children.


With the increased congestion on our roads, it is important that parents understand their responsibility specifically relating to 40KM zones, traffic signals, drop off and no stopping zones around the school. 


This morning, there were 14 unoccupied cars in the 2 minute drop off zone on Male St.  Please be aware that this is strictly a drop off zone.  If you want to walk your child into school, please park in surrounding streets, adhering to restrictions there and ensuring you do not block residents' driveways.  Council parking officers regularly patrol the zones around schools and issue fines to offenders. 


We also encourage all pedestrians to use the school crossings and follow supervisor instructions at all times. Council provides School Crossings services between 8 – 9:30am in the morning & 2:30 – 4pm in the afternoon. 

Uniform Shop Donations

We do appreciate donations of second hand uniform items, but please ensure that items are in good condition - without stains or holes.  A good rule of thumb is, would you purchase the item for your child?