Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

A lot can happen in a year….
It is always an overwhelming feeling when we come to the end of another school year. So much happens for all in a community! As I look back over the year it is with such gratitude that we have finally completed our first full year of schooling in three years. The consistency, connection and care has seen a rewarding, settled and hugely successful year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support of St Mary’s. The business and routine of school can be taxing and I thank you for partnering with us to ensure your child is receiving the best possible learning and educational experience.
The greatest impact to a child in the school setting, is the teacher. I would like to thank every educator, support staff and employee of St Mary’s for bringing their very best each day for the benefit of the children here. The investment in their relationships with those they teach, the preparation for fun and engaging learning and ensuring we are consistently tracking and monitoring our learners' needs is a mammoth task that our educators have done exceptionally well. I know you will all take this time to rest and rejuvenate for the next school year.
At the end of every school year we always see some staff moving on from our school community. We thank every staff member for their contribution, care and professionalism they have afforded St Mary’s while they have been here. This year we have some staff taking long service leave, moving to new postcodes due to family commitments and some traveling and taking on exciting adventures. We wish every staff member health and happiness. Thank you to; Gavin Dellar, Tamara Ferres, Glenn McMIllian, Alison Dunstan, Amy Wickham, Madalyn Chapman and Grace Watcher. The following staff we look forward to seeing you within the next twelve months and wish you well on your interim adventures; Sarah Kilborn, Hugh Macaulay, Carley Threlfall, Gaberielle Phelan and Jacqui Deola. I would also like to thank and wish our trainees well who will now step out onto their new chapter in 2024. Thank you so much Macy Larkin and Baxter Anderson - we wish you every success!
In 2024 we will welcome many new staff which we are so excited about! We have several staff starting their teaching career here and we look forward to the collaborative teaching environment they will find support in. We also have some experienced teachers and leaders joining us from other educational settings, backgrounds and expertise. We know all will positively contribute to the St Mary’s learning environment, where we are striving to positively impact and grow our learners. Our Meet the Teams will be available on our socials in the coming days. Please see attached our
Thank you to the St Mary’s School Advisory Council who offer consultation, family perspective and empathy for the school and all its operations. Your support of me as a leader and the direction of the school is invaluable. Father Novie remains an integral member of our community and a solid connection to the Church and the parish. Thank you Father Novie for the time, effort and preparations you afford our school masses and liturgies. Your connection with our young people is so relevant and important.
To every child at St Mary’s thank you for the joy you bring to our workplace daily. We get to witness your ahaha moments, your adversity, your determination and grit to be better everyday. In a year of schooling there are so many achievements, so many celebrations and you should all be very proud, I know I am. Thank you for the morning greetings, the smiles, the cards and pictures and truly making my job a joy. I wish you all the holiest and happiests of Christmas’ and I look forward to seeing you all return safely in the new year.
Merry Christmas and Blessings to you all.
Jasmine Ryan