Parents & Friends 

Morning Tea 

A special morning tea was held on Wednesday in the staff room as a small token of huge thanks from School Council to all Ormond staff for their hard work and dedication this year. Jacqui Warfe attended on behalf of SC and said a few words. 

Nerida Crake

School Council President

Mango Drive

Mango delivery week has changed! Bowen Mangoes will deliver the mangoes the week beginning 18 December. Thank you to all the families who supported our Mango drive. 

2nd Hand Uniform News - Donation Bin

We are pleased to inform our school community that we now have a 2nd Hand Uniform Donation Bin, located in the Library. 


The blue bin is the best place to donate any good condition, washed and folded school uniforms and accessories. Please only donate good condition new style school bags with working zips. We unfortunately can no longer accept the old style school bags.

Can you help?

We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and would love your input! You might have some great examples of fundraising or events at other schools that you would like to share with us. Perhaps you have specialist skills and you are willing to donate your time – we are always looking for people with fundraising or events experience, people who have graphic design skills and social media specialists.


You can contact us at anytime on