Digital Technologies

All students from Year 3 - 6 have had the opportunity to change their password to start the year off. The students are aware they should not be sharing their password with anyone other than their parents. Students in Year 2 this week chose their own individual password for their Google accounts. Please ask your child for their password to be able to access their Google Drives. Students in Prep and Year 1 have individual log ins but a generic password.
If at any time a student believes someone else may knwo their password they are encouraged to talk to me to change it.
A reminder that parents need to go into their phone settings to allow push notifications for Operoo. This does not occur automatically when signing up for the app. I heard that many Year 6 parents did not receive the push notification about the bus arrival time coming home from camp. It important that at least one parent per child has push notifications set up.
Any questions or help with this please email me at
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEMMS Teacher