P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
Please find attached an invitation and details about the first P&F event of the year, a Welcome Picnic and Movie Night on Friday 1st March!
It is a scaled back event this year but will be a wonderful night for our whole community to celebrate the start of 2024!!
Here is the booking link to book tickets by Wednesday 28th March
Thanks to Natalie Lim, Kylie Brooks-Verberne, Rachelle Mosca and Dave Mutimer for organising this event.
Look in your children's bag for raffle tickets that went home today.
Families able to help on the night with signing in or packing up please email the office.
St James Parent and Friends Association
Thank you to everyone who has donated uniforms to the second hand uniform shop.
We are in urgent need of bigger sizes, 10's,12's,14's and 16's. There are also no jackets available in any sizes..
So have a look through the kids wardrobes for any uniforms not being used and bring them to the office. It would be greatly appreciated.