Visual Arts

News from the Art Room


Welcome back to another busy year in the Art room!


Welcome Art Captains!


We see a few changes to the program this year with our classes returning to weekly classes of 45 minutes, rather than fortnightly, and we welcome our wonderful Art Captains Renee, Ariana and Gracie! They will be busy helping and coordinating various activities across the year, including Art Club and will be assisting me with initial preparations for our upcoming school production later in the year!


Term One


Our term will commence with two whole school collaborative pieces before we launch into our murals for the Parkdale Rail Project. St Patrick’s has been afforded the opportunity to create some artwork for Parkdale train station. The theme is ‘Our Parkdale’ and, while we have some initial ideas in mind, if you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to email me at


We will be looking at the Melbourne Tunnel Creative Program website for inspiration. Use the link below to explore the many and varied artworks that can be seen along the length of the Metro Tunnel.


Additional art projects this term focus on the Year of the Dragon, portrait drawing, and ‘Harmony Day - Everyone Belongs’.


Art Club


Art Club will run once a week at lunchtime, with a different year level offered this opportunity each week. It is optional and provides children with creative activities that complement what we are exploring during class.


School Production

Mrs Earle and myself are busy starting initial preparations for this year’s school production and we will be calling for assistance with the making of sets and costumes throughout the year leading up to the production in term 4. Please keep an eye out for further details about this. 


Art Competitions 

A fantastic opportunity for children to be involved in a special Art competition that could see their work on display at the  Australian Museum! More details can be found at the link below.

Entries close 29th February.


Thank you Alex Sugar

We would like to acknowledge and thank Alex for his time spent here over the holidays finishing the final mural. Alex worked closely with us to design artwork that is meaningful and complementary to some of the Indigenous art we have explored during art class last year.


Art Smocks

Please ensure your child’s art smock is NAMED and sent to school as soon as possible as these will be needed in the art room during week 2. Please hand smocks to class teachers as they are stored in the classrooms.



I would love donations of brightly coloured pool noodles (undamaged) if you no longer use them. Please send them to the art room.


Keep an eye out for further art updates in future newsletter editions.


Jen Brown 

Visual Arts Teacher