Religious Education

Term 1 Week 1

Year 6 Blessing of Badges

Our first school mass on Tuesday 6th February @ 9:15am, Fr Justin along with Fr Andrew will bless and distribute our Year 6 leadership badges. We invite our Year 6 families and friends to come along if you are able to celebrate mass and our students' new roles in leading our school.

Gospel Reflection

Gospel Reading

Mark 1:29-39

Jesus cures Peter’s mother-in-law who gives thanks in showing hospitality to all and Jesus continues to cure many others of their illnesses.


Unpacking the Scriptures

The Gospel of Mark that we read this coming Sunday tells us about the great works Jesus did in preaching, curing the sick and showing compassion to those suffering throughout Galilee.


On the morning after a busy day, Jesus goes to a quiet place to pray but is stopped by his friend and disciple Peter and many others to bring news that crowds are seeking him for help. Immediately he goes but afterwards tells his disciples that they must move onto the next town.


His healing and care for the sick is a sign of the Kingdom of God which the Church continues to show in it's many ministries throughout the world in charities, soup kitchens, refuge centres, hospitals, nursing homes and more. We believe that in his prayer Jesus found guidance and direction from God. We also bring our decision-making to God in prayer, asking for his guidance and direction in our lives.


Family Connection

Jesus also took the time to pray alone and we can follow this example. We can also pray together with our community and our families. Children first experience prayer through observing others and following by example. It is important to take time to talk to our children about what prayer is - a relationship with God, a heart to heart with our Creator. Through our example, they may learn to make private prayer an important part of their daily lives and transform their heart to be more like the heart of Jesus, ready to serve and love.



Read together and discuss Mark 1:29-39. What do you think Jesus was praying about? How do you think prayer helped how he treated other people? What have you received from God in prayer? What do you struggle with in prayer? Remember that prayer is speaking simply and intimately with God. We don't have to hide anything or say fancy words. Conclude this time by asking God to bless your moments of prayer to help know and follow God’s ways. 


Dear Lord,

Guide us always to do what is right, to love others as you love us. May we always pray through the good times and the bad. Fill us with joy and gratitude and help us to spread your light to others.



God bless,


India Mitchell-Fletcher

Religious Education Leader