Deputy Principal's Report

Dear Families,


I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement as we prepare to embark on a brand new school year. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I welcome each and every one of you.

I am honored to be part of a dedicated team that is committed to providing a nurturing and enriching educational experience for your children. 

This school year promises to be filled with new opportunities, challenges, and achievements. We believe in the potential of every student, and we are here to support and guide them on their educational journey.

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like to share, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 


I am genuinely excited about the possibilities that this school year holds, and I look forward to seeing the growth and achievements of each student. 


Arriving at School on Time

As we gear up for an exciting school year, we want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of punctuality in shaping your child's academic success and overall well-being. The habit of arriving at school on time is a valuable life skill that sets the foundation for a positive learning experience.

We kindly request that all students arrive at or before 8:45 am each school day. Punctuality not only helps students settle into their day smoothly but also maximises their engagement in the learning process. Being present and ready at the beginning of the school day allows students to make the most of instructional time and fosters a positive classroom environment.

In the event that your child arrives after 9:00 am, we kindly ask that you sign them in at the school office. This helps us maintain accurate attendance records and ensures that any missed instructions or announcements are communicated to the students promptly.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we appreciate your cooperation in instilling the importance of timeliness with your child. Consistent and prompt attendance supports their academic progress, social development, and overall success in school.

Should you have any concerns or if there are specific challenges your family is facing regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you and work collaboratively to ensure the best possible learning experience for your child.



As we embark on a new school year, we want to remind you of the importance of keeping your contact information up-to-date. It is crucial for us to have accurate details to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. If there have been any changes to your address, email, phone number, emergency contact information, or your child's medical details, please take a moment to make the necessary updates on Operoo.

Safety on the Yard - before and afterschool

As we continue to prioritise the safety and well-being of all students, familes and staff I want to send a friendly reminder regarding the use of bikes and scooters on school grounds.

To maintain a secure environment and ensure the safety of everyone, we kindly request that bikes and scooters be walked while on school property. This small but important measure helps prevent accidents and ensures a smooth flow of foot traffic, particularly during busy times.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. By walking bikes and scooters, we collectively contribute to the safety and comfort of our school community.

Random Acts of Kindess

I am delighted to share that we will continue to recognise and celebrate the kindness that emanates from our students. The Random Acts of Kindness Awards will be an ongoing initiative at St Patrick's.

These awards are designed to spotlight the extraordinary efforts of students who consistently demonstrate kindness, politeness, and a commitment to making our school a better place. We aim to celebrate those who go above and beyond to help others, contribute to the beauty of our school environment, and exhibit kindness in their daily interactions.

Our students show remarkable character, and it is important to acknowledge and celebrate these positive behaviors that contribute to the warm and inclusive atmosphere we strive for at St Patrick's.

Every week, we will be on the lookout for instances of kindness, no matter how small, and will recognise those students who exemplify the spirit of compassion and community. These acts of kindness are the building blocks of a positive school environment.


Awards are presented at the school assembly every Monday. 


Random Acts of Kindness Week February 11-17, 2024

Seasons for Growth 

I am pleased to inform you that this year, we will continue to run the Seasons for Growth Program, specifically designed to provide support for students in Years 1-6 who have experienced significant changes in their lives. These changes may include loss, death, family breakdown, or any other circumstances that have impacted their well-being.

The Seasons for Growth Program aims to create a supportive environment where students can explore and express their feelings, develop coping strategies, and connect with peers who may have gone through similar experiences. We believe in the importance of addressing the emotional well-being of our students, and this program serves as a valuable resource in that regard.

Seasons will commence in Term 2.

Year 5 Camp- Portsea

Our Year 5 students will be embarking on a memorable camp at Portsea from the 12th to the 14th of February. This three-day adventure is packed with activities, fun, and opportunities for friendship and personal growth.

This camp is designed to provide our Year 5 students with wonderful opportunities to enhance their confidence, make new friends, and strengthen their connections with teachers. The camp experience is a highlight of the senior years, creating lasting memories that will be cherished by the students throughout their time at St Patrick's and into their teenage years.



Have a wonderful rest of your week, 


Joelle Diakrousis

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity Leader