Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
Curriculum Update
The Foundation Students made a wonderful start to their primary school P.E journey. Our first week saw them participate in their first Perceptual Motor Program (PMP). The students demonstrated the ability to follow set instructions and apply them to each set activity. It was terrific to see their skillsets in action on the balance beam, jumping, landing and paddle board station.
For their first and second P.E lessons the Foundation Students learned about the basic skills involved with AFL. This lesson was delivered by an accredited AFL coach. The students did a great job of staying engaged and following the given instructions. During the lessons, the students practised chest marks, handballing and kicking. It was clear that we have some future AFL stars in this cohort. These skills were taught through some individual practise and partnered teamwork.
Later this term, the students will look at the human body as a part of their health lesson.
Year One/Two:
The Level 1-2 Students have made a great start to P.E for the term.
The focus over the last month has included revisiting some of the core Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). This was achieved through team-based gameplay in games such as Rob the Nest and Angry Ogre. Following this lesson, the students moved on to a unit which incorporated the sport AFL. The students were exposed to the core skills of the game such as kicking, handballing and marking. Students were given the opportunity to practise these skills in small groups with each activity having a small progression to scaffold the students learning. Once the students demonstrated confidence within these skillsets, we then moved on to incorporating them into some small team-based games e.g. relay races and mad minute.
Later this term the Level 1-2 students will look at the Aboriginal Flag which will be a portfolio task.
Year Three/Four:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 34 Students have participated in lessons that involved Fitness Testing and Table Tennis.
The students were tested on a variety of fitness and strength aspect such as cardio endurance (beep test) and push and Sit ups. These results were recorded and will be revisited in Term Three to determine if improvement has occurred.
The students also commenced their table tennis Sporting Schools program through Gecko sports. During the first two lessons the students were exposed to some of the basic skills involved with the game and were able to practise these with a partner. These skills included racquet control, bat positioning and hitting both on the forehand and backhand sides. Some of the major differences the students had to adjust to were the size of the table, bat and speed of ball movement. It was great to see their progress throughout the lesson. As the program continues, they will move more into more match-play.
Year Five/Six:
Over the past few weeks the Level 56 Students have participated in lessons that involved Fitness Testing and Table Tennis.
The students were tested on a variety of fitness and strength aspect such as cardio endurance (beep test) and push and Sit ups. These results were recorded and will be revisited in Term Three to determine if improvement has occurred.
The students also commenced their table tennis Sporting Schools program through Gecko sports. During the first two lessons the students were exposed to some of the basic skills involved with the game and were able to practise these with a partner. These skills included racquet control, bat positioning and hitting both on the forehand and backhand sides. Some of the major differences the students had to adjust to were the size of the table, bat and speed of ball movement. It was great to see their progress throughout the lesson. As the program continues, they will move more into more match-play.
Level 3-6 Swim Trials:
On Friday 9th February thirty-eight of our Level 3-6 students represented USPS at our localised swim trials. To progress through to the next stage, students had to place in the top two in their individual event or top four in the freestyle stroke. Some of the talent on display was amazing to watch and each student should be proud of their efforts.
Congratulations to the twenty-four students who have progressed to the District Carnival on Friday 16th February at Belgrave Outdoor Pool. We wish you the best of luck.
A huge shout out and thanks goes to all the parent helpers on the day. Without your support these events cannot function.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday 27th February 2024 - Level 3-6 District Swim Trials @ Belgrave Outdoor Pool
Division Swimming 8th March 2024 - Croydon Memorial Pool
Region Swimming 22n March 2024 - Aquanation Ringwood
Level 3-6 Localised Athletics Trials 16th April 2024 - (Bill Sewart Athletics Track, East Burwood)