School News

Term 1, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome to Autumn - while I am sure we will still experience some hot weather; this season would have to be one of the best in Bendigo! Please ensure that your child continues to apply sunscreen in the mornings before school and that they have their hat.


Our canteen has been a smashing success so far with food almost being sold out on a number of occasions! I would like to say a big thank you to all of the parent/grandparent volunteers that have given up time to support Anthea and to all of our families who have placed orders so far.

The Sustainability Learning Centre

Things are happening at the back of the school. We have outdoor furniture going in as well as our new vegie pods. Student voice has been active with classes submitting their suggestions for a new name. 


Our outdoor classroom will play a vital role in our curriculum, by providing students with unique opportunities for exploration, discovery, and hands-on experiences. Beyond traditional classroom settings, outdoor learning fosters a deeper connection with the natural world, it nurtures environmental stewardship and promotes a sense of responsibility towards the planet. 


Working with plants, propagation, fresh produce and chickens, will promote physical activity, improve well-being and enhance cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.


We hope to cultivate a lifelong appreciation for nature and a holistic approach to learning that extends beyond the confines of classroom walls.


Watch this space.


We would like to welcome our new ES staff members: Lily Buckingham, Diane Capolla, Arnika Cusack and Anna Yao. From next week, Rebecca Luckman (Leading Teacher) from Inglewood Primary will be shadowing me in the principal role until the end of term.


NAPLAN is just around the corner, and we have been busy ensuring that we will be ready to go online by March the 13th. NAPLAN is just one measure of a child's educational progress and capabilities. It's important to recognise that students are multi-dimensional individuals with various strengths, weaknesses, interests, and talents that may not necessarily be fully captured by standardised testing alone. 

Mobile Phones again...

Unfortunately, we have a number of students who are still bringing mobile phones to school and not handing them into the office.


The school's policy has been developed in response to the Ministerial Order banning the use of mobile devices in Victorian schools. This was implemented to provide safe environments for students during school hours. In accordance with this Order, personal mobile phones and wearable digital devices are required to be stored at the administration office. This includes smart watches that are on school mode. Students are required to turn off and hand their mobile device in in the morning before school and collect at the end of the school day unless an exemption has been granted for a serious medical issue.


If a parent or a student has important and urgent information to transmit it will be done through the office. (Please make sure the office has your current contact details).


For future reference, this will be available in the Policy and Procedure tab in the newsletters.  

Traffic Management 

School Council has been working hard behind the scenes to improve the road situation. There was a proposal put forward to the Bendigo Council in relation to making the 40 km zone a permanent fixture. Unfortunately, this was rejected, however discussions around potential funding for upgrades is being considered.




It is important that all families respect our parking and traffic management plan. The main issues that we have are in the drive through area. Please remember:

  • Parents should not exit their car in the drive-through - other families get really frustrated when they can't get off the road because some have parked and left the car to say goodbye.
  • Students who exit cars on the footpath along the road should not cut through the drive-through - this is an accident waiting to happen.
  • Cars should drive as far as they can in the drive-through before letting students out - they have to the back gate anyway, so they may as well stay in the car.

School Council Elections

School Council nominations are now open, please consider becoming a member. By participating in school council, you will be able to contribute your perspectives and ideas, help to address issues, enhance programs, and build a stronger sense of community within our school. Your involvement will have a positive impact on your child's education, and you will gain valuable leadership experience as we continue to build a supportive environment for all members of the school community. School council meeting take place twice a term and we would love to see you there!


I appreciate your ongoing support. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. My door is always open, and I am here to support you in any way I can.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd
