Pastoral Wellbeing   

St Kilian’s Primary School

Drop off & Pick up Procedures



Parents are asked to observe the following rules in relation to dropping children at school in the morning and collecting them in the afternoon. 



Student Supervision 

Supervision Teachers are on duty before school and after school. 

Morning duty time commences 8:30am with students being supervised in the school grounds.

After school duty concludes at 3:50pm with the students being supervised in the Church Yard Car Park and in Havelock Street. Students not picked up by this time will be supervised in the school office.

After school, students are not permitted to use the school playgrounds as they are not supervised by school staff.


Student Drop Off via Church Car Park & Havelock Street

Please note due to construction works on our current sinkhole issue, entry via the Church car park is through the side of the Hall. Cones will mark the entry way. 

  • Staff supervision will commence at 8:30am with gates opening at this time.
  • Please drive at a walking pace.
  • Park your car in a designated parking space 
  • Parents should not allow children to leave their car until the car is parked in a car parking space.
  • Walk your child to the entrance of the school or watch your child walk into the school grounds.
  • Show courtesy and consideration for other drivers and be cautious and alert. 
  • Cars must STOP to allow teachers and children the right of way at all times.
  • Be advised that parking inspectors continually monitor parking in Havelock Street.
  • Staff will support any child who needs assistance (please call the school office if you require assistance)

Student Pick Up via Church Car Park & Havelock Street 

  • Staff supervision will commence at 3:30pm with gates opening at this time.
  • Please drive at a walking pace.
  • Park your car in a designated parking space (NO driveby pickups).
  • Students are able to be picked up from the painted pickup zone (teacher supervised waiting area- marked on map in yellow).
  • Parents MUST walk to the pick up zone to collect your child
  • Students are not allowed to enter a car that is not parked in a car parking space.
  • Show courtesy and consideration for other drivers and be cautious and alert. 
  • Cars must STOP to allow teachers and children the right of way at all times.
  • Be advised that parking inspectors continually monitor parking in Havelock Street.


Students Who Walk To School

Parents should review the following basic safety rules:

  • Always walk on the footpath.
  • Do not accept rides from strangers.
  • Cross streets at the corner and cooperate with crossing supervisors. 
  • Use traffic lights and appropriate crossings when available.
  • Use the safest and most direct routes to and from home and school.



Students Who Ride or Scoot To School

Parents should review the following basic safety rules:

  • Always follow road rules, including wearing appropriate helmets.
  • Cross streets at the corner and cooperate with crossing supervisors. 
  • Use traffic lights and appropriate crossings when available.
  • Use the safest and most direct routes to and from home and school.

Church Car Park students are required to walk alongside the hall on the pathway exiting/entering from the St Kilian’s hall gate (see green lines on map).

Havelock Street students are required to use the appropriate crossings and pathways. 

Students are not permitted to ride or scoot in the school grounds.



Students Who Take the Bus To School

  • Walk directly to and from the bus stop to school and home.