Principal's Report

Term 1
Welcome back to all members of the school community as we commence another school year. The past couple of weeks has seen our students regrouping with old friends, forming new relationships, and displaying excellent learning behaviours. Staff are also getting to know their students and building positive relationships with new students to the sections within their classrooms and across the yard.
School Events: School Open Morning and Meet the Teacher Evening
It was great to see so many parents and carers attend our Open Morning on Tuesday the 6th of February. I was able to chat to many of you and enjoyed hearing about your holiday break. If you have any further questions regarding the information presented in the session, please contact your Section Leader.
The Meet the Teacher Evening will be held on Monday evening with parents given the choice of an on-site or Webex meeting. Parents have been given the opportunity to have a 15 minute 1:1 Interview with their child’s teacher. A ‘Getting to Know My Child’ sheet will be used to guide a conversation through which the teacher will gain an understanding of your child as a learner. Teachers will also discuss homework expectations and ‘Communication at Concord School’ with each family.
Works at Bundoora Campus
Thank you to the whole school community for your flexibility and patience as we navigate the required works on the Bundoora Campus. All of the students and staff should be congratulated on their efforts during this time and resilience with managing the changes to our school program.
I would like to especially thank all of our parents and carers for your patience and understanding with changes to our operations. Communication was passed on as soon it became available and we appreciate your continued support.
School Communication and the Use of Compass
Concord School has communicated with the school community for several years through the Compass online portal which can be accessed via either a web browser or phone app. Daily communication between the teacher/school and parent/carer will occur only through email within Compass.
Compass email is simple to use. When you open your portal, click on ‘Send email to (my child’s name) teachers’. Other staff are then listed and can also be added.
Compass is used to:
- communicate information between the teacher/school (academic and extra-curricular) and parent/carers
- give permission and make payments for incursions, excursions and camps
- indicate and explain absences
- receive school newsletters
- book Parent-Teacher interviews
- access student reports
- order school photos
It is important that you use Compass and check your emails regularly. If you have any questions regarding Compass including assistance with logging on, please contact Karen Jordan on or 94673972.
Back Gate at the Bundoora Campus
To support the safety of our students, the back gate at the Bundoora Campus is locked each day from 9.10am-2.45pm. All visitors will be required to enter the school from the front between these times.
Student Community Achievement Award
Last week, Alicia Bamblett represented Victoria in the 2024 Under 20 and Ivor Burge National Basketball Championships in Ballarat. Alica worked hard to assist her team on the court and was an important member of the team throughout the championship where Victoria earned a gold medal, defeating NSW in the final. Well done on an outstanding achievement Alicia!
Principal Award - Year LPG - Mohammad Ridha Zkeer
Mohammad Ridha Zkeer has had a terrific start to the year. He has shown maturity and responsibility in his new class.
He has demonstrated the Concord School expectations of 'Be Responsible' and 'Be a Learner'.
Mohammad has quickly learnt the class routine and has been able to help new students to learn what to do. He has been trying really hard with his work and making good progress.
Well done.
Matthew Di Domenica
Acting Principal