Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News

Catholic School NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Conference
Message Stick Journey
The Catholic School NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education conference
Message Stick will commence its journey across our beautiful Diocese, starting at St.Joseph's Primary School - Walgett on Sunday 17th March, visiting every parish and school community from Term 1 to Term 4 before finally ending its journey at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment & Conference Centre at the Conference.
The message stick is presented to the host of the Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference and this year the Armidale Diocese will be hosting this monumental education event from 22nd October to 24th October 2024.
The Message Stick will travel across our beautiful country spreading the message of this year's conference theme: “Spirit on Country: Learning Together, then, now & always”.
Conference Student Engagement -Yuga-li Yulu-gi (Celebrate Dance) Moree Workshop
Students from St. Philomena’s School - Moree, St.Francis Xavier’s - Narrabri, St.Joseph’s Schools - Walgett & Wee Waa gathered and commenced dance rehearsals for the Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Conference in October.
Students were welcomed to the Moree community by Elder Aunty Colleen Duke at the Dhiiyaan Centre and then commenced their dance rehearsal under the guidance of the amazing cultural performers from Milan Dhiiyaan and Yulugi Marumali, followed by lunch and engagement with the Guumali Youth Project.
Our next Yuga-li Yulu-gi (Celebrate Dance) workshop will involve our Tamworth, Quirindi and Gunnedah schools on Friday 15th March for Term 1 at McCarthy Catholic College.
Thank you to Milan Dhiiyaan’s - Locky & Fleur Dennis, Yulugi Marmali’s - Shae Duncan, Guumali Youth Project - Moree Police Inspector Malligan and ALCO Tighe,CSO staff, venue host St.Philomena’s School, our wonderful students and staff and our hard working Conference committee for a magical start towards our conference.
Warraymaylaya Retreats
Permission notes for both the Year 10 -12 Culture & Career Pathways and the
Year 8 -9 Maal Dhuwi Retreat have been sent to all Secondary Schools Principals,Focus teachers or AEA’s this week.