Mission & Religious Education News

Lenten Reflection
As we approach the fourth Sunday in Lent, many of us have been involved in Lenten groups or have accessed Lenten Reflections. A great free Lenten Program from Sydney Arch-Diocese is here.
New Staff Induction
As part of the work teach lead policy an induction is required for new staff each year in regards to the Catholic life of the diocese. This applies to all school staff, not only teaching staff. Given the amount of new staff in 2024 and the difficulties in terms of covering said staff there are three different dates for this induction.
VENUE: Catholic Schools Office, Armidale
TIME: 9am - 3pm
2nd August 2024
15th November 2024
Register here
Cornerstones recommences this Thursday on March 7. This is the minimum qualification to teach RE in our diocese. It is also a really good PD opportunity and counts towards hours for your accreditation. A repeat of this online seminar is March 14. Participants from last year will continue with those taking it up this year in a 2 year cycle of units. If you have not already, you can register here.
FAQs: Why Lent?
In the early Church, Lent originated as a time of repentance for those preparing for baptism. Having experienced the call to conversion, those seeking initiation into the Christian community resolved to turn away from sin and embrace a gospel life. They were then baptised at the Easter Vigil. Today, the period of Lent is a time of repentance and renewal for the whole church. It is a time when we prayerfully take stock of our lives, turn away from habits that contradict the gospel and renew our commitment to Christ and each other.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Mon 4 Commemoration of Saint Casimir
Thu 7 Commemoration of Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Fri 8 Commemoration of Saint John of God
Sat 9 Commemoration of Saint Frances of Rome
Mon 18 Commemoration of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
Tue 19 Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sat 23 Commemoration of Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo
Sun 24 Palm Sunday
Mon 25 Monday of Holy Week
Tue 26 Tuesday of Holy Week
Wed 27 Wednesday of Holy Week
Thu 28 Maundy Thursday
Fri 29 Good Friday
Sat 30 Holy Saturday
Sun 31 Easter Sunday
The Heights
The second edition of The Heights will be out shortly, it is a great joint initiative with the Diocesan Chancery and a terrific read. The last edition can be read here.
Mass times and more!
Did you know that the Diocese of Armidale has an excellent web page? It has lots of information including mass times for all the parishes. The site can be accessed here.