Last week we had two events which were fantastic opportunities for our whole school to come together as one community.
On Monday we held our first whole school assembly for the year. As part of this, we completed our traditional formal welcome to our new Year 7 students as they were presented to the rest of the school, with our Year 12 students welcoming them to our community by presenting them with ‘their wings;’ – their badge of our school logo. We also celebrated our All-Round All-Stars from Term Four last year (those students who achieved All-Star levels of Attendance, GPA and Behaviour), unveiled our theme for this year’s A Night to Remember, and heard about two exciting overseas trips available to our students in the coming year.
On Tuesday last week we completed our annual Athletics Sports. It was a very warm day, and all students should be congratulated for their effort, attitude and participation on the day. The results were extremely close and we needed additional time to determine the overall winner. By the following day we were able to announce that Strzelecki were the overall winners. Congratulations to them!
Wednesday next week is another exciting day for our school community as we officially open our new buildings. During the day the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Mr Ben Carroll, will be visiting our school to tour our new buildings, meet with a class and speak at a whole school assembly including all students, staff and some special guests. From 4:30 – 6pm that evening our school will again be open to the public for all community members to visit our school. At 5:20 there will be a short ceremony, including a Smoking Ceremony from local indigenous elder Jarrod West. We invite all parents, students and community members to join us at this time.