Principal's Report

Dear families


It's been a great week at Macedon Primary School. At lunchtime on Monday, I had the opportunity to go over to Middle Gully with the year two students. Watching the children pick some fruit and engage in adventurous outdoor play was a pleasure. Middle Gully is an incredible asset for the school.

Welcome to Macedon Picnic Reminder

We hope to see lots of families at our Welcome to Macedon Picnic on Thursday afternoon. BYO everything, but there will be a coffee and ice-cream truck onsite.

We'll need to finish up just before 5.30pm so the footy club can start their training on the oval.


Assembly (Part One - Consultation)

As mentioned previously, staff are considering some options in relation to assembly.  We'd love to hear your thoughts. Please use this link to give some feedback.

Assembly (Part Two - AUSLAN Clap)

Some parents have asked why we are waving instead of clapping in assembly. It's a great question. 


We are using the AUSLAN clap to promote a more inclusive environment as:

+ staff noticed inequal celebrations when awards were presented

+ an increasing number of students have sensory difficulties (the hall is loud and busy)

+ gaining student attention after clapping is difficult for student leaders and stops the flow of assembly.


Students and staff are still getting used to the AUSLAN clap but there has been a huge difference when awards are presented.  Some students, who have found assembly difficult to manage, have been able to participate.


Lunchtime Clubs - Volunteers Needed

Looking for something super exciting to do from 12.50pm to 2.00pm weekdays?

We have a terrific opportunity for you to supervise a lunchtime club. Planning is currently underway, and we are open to suggestions for clubs and donations of materials.


Let us know if:

+ you have a particular interest you'd like to share with the students as a one off or ongoing activity

+ you would like to be on a roster to supervise a club.

Please note that any adult helpers on site need to have a current working with children's check that have been sighted by the office.

If you have any questions, please contact Karren, Barry, Sue or myself.


Today we received a very kind donation of Lego blocks for the Lego Club. It's never too late to tidy up your Lego and send unwanted pieces to school.


Junior School Council Initiative - Crazy Sock Day - March 8th

Junior School Councillors will advertise this further over the next two weeks. Just crazy socks. This is not a fundraising or charity event.


Save the Date! Working Bee - March 16 (9am to 11am) Curtin and Burke Houses

We will top up the sandpits and do some general garden work (pruning, sweeping, digging, weeding). All welcome, morning tea provided.



Kind regards

