Show Season 2024

Guyra Show


On Friday 16th February, a group of excited students attended the Guyra show.

Students tried their hand at judging meat sheep, fleece and cattle, we even had some winners! All students spoke with confidence and did themselves (and us) very proud). 

The day ended with a bit of rain and a dead battery on the bus but as they gave the students some time to go on the dodgem cars, I don’t think they minded the wait for the NRMA. 

Making it back safe and sound, we look forward to the Armidale show on March 1. 



Tom Graham - 1st Junior Meat Sheep Judging

Abby Van Eyk - 1st Senior Wool Judging, 3rd Senior Meat Sheep Judging

Ben Cox - 1st Junior Wool Judging 

Oliver Starr - 3rd Junior Wool Judging 

Bronte Swain - 4th Senior Wool Judging



Armidale Show


Last Friday a large group of students made the long journey across the road to the Armidale Show. Here they aimed at honing their judging skills in sheep and cattle, and for some, try their hand at fruit and veggie judging. 


Charles Drew won 1st place for the Junior Judging Stud Beef Cattle and one of our fleeces won Grand Champion Merino Fleece, Fine Fleece Champion and 1st prize in its class. We are very proud of everyone who got up and had a go. 


 We also had a wonderful array of textile projects entered into the pavilion at the Armidale Show. Students had fun felting at the beginning of this year. Art quilts were completed in 2024 with the theme of country. Some crochet and sewing as well.



Many of our students were there with their own families or participating in other activities, which goes to show how involved our students are with community events, and how passionate they are about their interests.  Check out our students achievments below!


One more to go bring on Walcha!