Year 4

Hello from 4S


We’ve had an exciting start to Year 4, and we’re very excited about all the new things we get to experience this year.  New friends have been made, and old friendships renewed.  We have been looking at our school values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility, and looking at how that impacts us as learners in our classroom. 


Students had their first experience of Farm lessons and spent a warm afternoon down the farm working in the chook pen and getting our vegetable gardens prepared for planting.  We’re looking forward to planning some winter veggies and then getting to taste the outcomes of all our hard work later in the season.


We’ve begun our maths investigations this year by reviewing place value.  The class had a lot of fun working in pairs and making monsters out of MAB manipulatives and then working out how much their monsters were worth. This was a great visual experience of place value.


The class has also been enjoying our daily maths problem solving tasks.  These brain teasers are a great way of getting us to think differently about maths and to use our math talk to be able to discuss it with each other. Our Morning Meeting where we learn some interesting facts and try and challenge ourselves with new words and riddles is a particular highlight and a great way of getting our brains warmed up and ready for learning.