Prep Team

What’s been going on for Prep??
Our Preps have settled into school life beautifully! It’s almost like they’ve been here before! During the first week, our youngest members of the school got to know those around them, where to put their bags and what school life is like. They developed a growing sense of our expectations at school and had lots of fun playing on the playground and getting to know where things are.
The first stages of our learning have been centred around phonemic awareness and the sounds most frequently used. Students have learned songs and formed letters. We have investigated books including Pig the Pug and Dr Seuss to find rhyming words and identify the sounds we have learned.
In Maths, we have been learning all about numbers to 10! Students have explored and learned about our Maths trolley, different ways we can represent numbers, how to write them and make small collections.
We also had a week learning about days of the week, and what we do on a day-to-day basis. Students had a lot of fun making their own daily schedule and listening to what that cheeky wombat got up to by reading his diary!
Our Preps have been exploring our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support approach and have learned what it takes to be a successful learner at school! So far, they have been exploring how we show respect, responsibility, resilience and safety within our learning community and throughout the school. Our students have also had a big focus on recognising the Zones of Regulation and exploring what it means to be a great friend to their peers.
If the first few weeks is anything to go by, our Preps will have an amazing year ahead of them!
Kathy Barley, Jess Bunker and Katie Koulouris.
Prep Team