Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Read for 15 minutes per night. Choose a narrative story to complete the following:
Identify the structure and features of a narrative in your stories.
Orientation: Who are the main characters? When and where is your story happening?
What happens in your story? Can you identify the problem, and how it is resolved?
Has the author included dialogue, onomatopoeia or a sizzling start?
Practice your 10x tables this week.
Home Inquiry Question:
What local council do you live in and what do they do to help your house function?
Learning this week:
Year 3’s Spelling focus is the “ng” sound, with a continued grammar focus on speech marks.
Year 4’s Spelling focus is the “se” sound, as in sparse or horse. Grammar will focus on homophones.
You might like to write out your spelling words for additional practice:
Year 3 – n = ng | Year 4 – s = se |
anger skunk tanker junk trunk sunken
anchor blanket finger hunger angler extinct
stinking handkerchief anguish distinctive defunct singular | goose geese sparse corpse dense horse
increase promise reverse pulse cease collapse
immense disperse converse suspense nonsense lighthouse |
Writer’s Workshop:
We will continue looking at the characteristics and habits of writers, through bookmaking and writing in our writers' notebooks, with a focus on parts of speech and grammar.
Reader’s Workshop: We continue to build our reading stamina and develop positive habits as readers, with a focus on parts of speech and reading comprehension.
This week in Mathematics we are looking at all the strands of Maths in worded and multiple-choice questions.
Unit of Inquiry:
This week we continue with our Unit of Inquiry ‘How We Organise Ourselves’, with a focus on ‘Systems’. We are looking at our local council and how they operate.
Last week we started looking at Naplan to help prepare the students for the types of questions and how to answer them. We started having a go at the demonstration tests on the Naplan app. On Tuesday the year 3s sat the National coordinated practice test. If you have any questions about Naplan please see your child’s teacher.
Please return your child's consent form for our camp excursion. Thank you.
Please remember to bring headphones to school each day.
Your child could make this part of their system for packing their bags:
-Charge iPad and put Into schoolbag
perhaps a step in their system could be charging these each evening, so they are charged for the next day.
-Pack headphones (they are welcome to leave these in their trays at school).
Blessings for the week ahead,
Goose Smallfield, Emily Gower and Jade Fielke