Curricular Arts News

Ms Christine Larsen Curriculum Leader - Arts

Gallery of Modern Art Visit

Year 11 Visual Art students participated in a half-day excursion to the Gallery of Modern Art to view the blockbuster exhibition, Fairytales, which will inform their upcoming Responding Task for their current unit of work, “Art as lens”. Through an entrance of twisted, simulated woodland, students were able to explore centuries of folk stories, magic and fairytales and engage with the collection of enchanting,  interactive contemporary artworks which included breathtaking costumes,  snippets from classic films, decorative carriages, magical mirrors and bejewelled props created by an array of visual storytellers and artists from around the world. Every turn brought an array of whimsy and opulence and students witnessed one of the most diverse collections of art, design and cinema that has come to Brisbane.


Year 5 Band and Strings Program

In Week 5, our Year 5 cohort started on their instrumental music journey at Marist with the commencement of the Band and Strings Immersion Program. 196 boys were given their first lesson on their instrument. We hope this is the beginning of a long connection with music during their time at Marist and beyond. Rehearsals are also well underway for the Year 5 musical ‘Joust’. We are very much looking forward to seeing the boys perform in Week 10.