Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr


We keep the France family and St Patrick’s Shorncliffe community in our prayers. 


May all those who have died recently be welcomed to eternal life and may their loved ones be comforted by the light of the Holy Spirit.



Mass Times

Wednesday Morning - 8:00am


3rd Sunday in Lent (Year B). John 2:13-25


Just before the Jewish Passover Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and in the Temple he found people selling cattle and sheep and pigeons, and the money changers sitting at their counters there. Making a whip out of some cord, he drove them all out of the Temple, cattle and sheep as well, scattered the money changers' coins, knocked their tables over and said to the pigeon-sellers, 'Take all this out of here and stop turning my Father's house into a market.' Then his disciples remembered the words of scripture: Zeal for your house will devour me. The Jews intervened and said, 'What sign can you show us to justify what you have done?' Jesus answered, 'Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up.' The Jews replied, 'It has taken forty-six years to build this sanctuary: are you going to raise it up in three days?' But he was speaking of the sanctuary that was his body, and when Jesus rose from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and the words he had said.


During his stay in Jerusalem for the Passover many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he gave, but Jesus knew them all and did not trust himself to them; he never needed evidence about any man; he could tell what a man had in him.

Gospel Reflection and Prayer

Jesus' angry response to a regular Passover ‘sales event’ brings him to the attention of authorities and will ultimately lead to his capture. The temple in Jesus’ time “has become a symbol of everything that oppresses the people” (Pagola, 2007, 344). Like so many economic and political systems, the temple tells the familiar story of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. As we approach International Women’s Day, we recognise that many women and girls in the world continue to be impacted by discrimination, violence and many forms of injustice.


Speaking and acting against injustice often takes enormous courage and can lead to serious consequences for the one brave enough to do it. We know crucifixion is the terrible consequence of Jesus’ prophetic courage, yet it is not the final word. And he is not alone; his disciples are nearby. Bit by bit their awareness and understanding of Jesus is growing. Soon they will be learning what it means to remember their beloved teacher in the breaking of bread, the Body of Christ.


Lord Jesus, 

During this third week of Lent

We journey closer to the cross with you

And to the brutality of your suffering and death.

May the reminder of the pain you endured for love

Teach us not to look away from injustice

But to respond with compassion and mercy. 


Mary our good mother                         pray for us

St Marcellin Champagnat                    pray for us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop          pray for us

And may we always remember           to pray for one another


Australian Marist Solidarity

A huge THANK YOU to all our students from Years 5 to Year 12, to our families and our staff who in 2023 were instrumental in raising a grand total of $38,000 for Australian Marist Solidarity. We have been awarded the trophy for the school that raised the largest sum, CONGRATULATIONS to our Marist Ashgrove Community! Viriliter Age!


A Spotlight on the Environment Group!

Clean up Australia Day 

On a warm Friday afternoon last week, a sizable group of enthusiastic students gathered to "Clean up Australia"—starting with Marist College Ashgrove! The primary students, armed with robust canvas bags and 'grabbers', started outside the Champagnat Centre and made their way along the perimeter down to the northern end of the college. While Marist is a relatively tidy place, there was plenty for the students to pick up. While there was some chat about "defeating bin chickens" (a reference to our assembly video!), it was generally acknowledged that clever crows are more trouble around bins than ibis! The takeaway message is to always dispose of rubbish thoughtfully and correctly. The boys worked hard for a good hour before heading back to the Draney Centre for a snag in bread and a Zooper Dooper. A great way to end the week and a wonderful way to show that we have pride in our college. It's also a reminder that caring for our earth begins with respecting our community spaces. Huge thanks to Ms Badini and the Environment team for driving this initiative and to Mrs Andrea Williams, Mrs Jessica Turschwell, Mr Adam Knight, Mr Mikael Pitot and Mrs Clare Locke for helping out. Finally, all credit to our wonderful students volunteers including our college Mission captains who got on with the job!

Native Bee Honey Harvesting

Year 12 student Ashley Bishop shares a reflection on Friday’s honey harvesting experience:


On Friday at Break 1, Ian Driver, an ’84 Old Boy of the College, came in and harvested four of the school’s nine hives on our campus. These were our Primary, Gilroy, Ignatius and Ridley hives. Of note, the Gilroy hive was opened and boys were invited to come down to taste some native honey. Being able to scoop honey out of the hive with a paddle pop stick to taste was definitely something that most of us hadn’t had before. We’d like to see this become more of a practice as this is the first harvest that has happened since 2022, when the hives were first introduced as part of our initiative for the Lord Mayor’s Youth Environmental Leadership Network which Jake Edye, Jack Lowe and I were a part of in Year 10. We’re very grateful to have Ian, from A Green Native Soul, help out as much as he does.


Marist Old Boys casting the NET

This year three Marist Old Boys are serving on NET (National Evangelisation Teams). NET is a peer-to-peer based youth ministry team whose purpose is to share the Gospel and their Catholic faith with other young people. This is a year of volunteer mission work undertaken in Catholic schools and parishes across Australia and New Zealand. 


Josh Foxon (2023), Sam Mead (2022) and Xavier Foxon (2020) are three of the 23 young people currently serving in various locations across Aus/NZ. Each NET team consists of 5-6 young adults who live together for the year and work in the schools and youth groups in the parish or Archdiocese they have been sent to, by running retreats and sharing their personal faith journey with the young people. Josh is serving on the Darwin team, Sam is in Maroochydore and Xavier is in Hamilton (NZ). These three young men have given up a year of their life to spread the Gospel in the new communities they have been sent to. Please keep them and the work of NET in your prayers. 


March Retreat Opportunities

We invite our Marist parents/carers to take the opportunity to gently explore the theme of First Light in your own life. Tickets are still available for retreats led by Br Neville Solomon.

Marist Old Boys’ / Dad’s Retreat

Date: Sunday 17 March 2024 | 10:15am

Venue: Marist Centre | Rosalie Room

Information: Marist College Ashgrove invites our Marist Old Boys, Dad's and significant male role models to this spiritual Marist retreat led by Br Neville Solomon.


Tickets: $20.00pp | Please book your tickets by 10:00am Thursday, 7 March https://events.humanitix.com/2024-marist-old-boys-fathers-retreat


For further information please contact Jenna Harding hardingj@marash.qld.edu.au.

Marist Mother’s Retreat

Date: Sunday 24 March 2024 | 10:15am

Venue: Marist Centre | Rosalie Room

Information: Marist College Ashgrove invites our Marist College Ashgrove Mothers, Grandmothers and significant female role models to a spiritual Marist retreat led by Br Neville Solomon.


Tickets: $20.00 | Please book your tickets by 10:00am Thursday, 14 March



For further information please contact Jenna Harding hardingj@marash.qld.edu.au.


St Patrick’s Day - Invitation to Mass

As St Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, the Mass of the Feast of St Patrick will be celebrated on Monday 18 March instead. The Mass on the 17th will be of that of the 5th Sunday of Lent and liturgically has precedence.


However, the St Patrick’s Day Parade Association have organised the Mass on St Patrick’s Day for some years now, nevertheless wish to acknowledge St Patrick’s Day and so we invite you to the 10:00am Mass this year in St Stephen’s Cathedral on the 17th and join fellow members of the Irish Community in celebrating Ireland’s National Day. While the Mass itself will not have the same “Irish” input as in previous years, it is still an opportunity to come together and pray for the well-being of all us in the Irish diaspora. The Annual St Patrick’s Day Parade will take place in the City on Saturday 16 March starting at 10:30am.




St Vincent de Paul and the Environment Group

Vinnies and the Environment Group meetings will continue this Thursday during break 1B in Room 801. All students are welcome.


Reminder that we hold a Vinnies BBQ every Thursday morning in the yard outside the CLE from 7:30am. Sausages are $3.00 and $3.50 with bacon.

Stationery Aid – Collecting Now! 

The Stationery Aid MATES ministry is held every Friday morning from 7:30am in Room 801. 

Students are welcome to come along and help sort, clean and organise stationery. Come lend a hand and have a chat!


Meanwhile, Stationery Aid donations will be gratefully received. Please use the blue bins provided outside the Mission Office.


For more information about Stationery Aid visit the website:  https://stationeryaid.org/ 



Students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in signing onto the Rosies outreach program for Term 2 are encouraged to register their interest. Students are provided with important training beforehand to ensure they are well informed about how to enter into this important ministry.


If you’re ready to be a ‘friend on the street’ by sharing a conversation with patrons of Rosies who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or socially isolated, please email mates@marash.qld.edu.au to sign up or visit the Mission Office.

Marist Youth Ministry Game Changers

The Mission team welcome students from Years 7-12 to join this supportive and leadership focused Marist youth ministry program. Please email mates@marash.qld.edu.au or visit the Mission Office if you are interested in this program or have any questions.