Learning and Teaching News

Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg

NAPLAN Update  

The College is alive as the boys prepare for NAPLAN which will occur during Weeks 8 and 9. Maximillian Bathersby, Academic Captain, spoke to all of the students at College Assembly last week after launching the annual NAPLAN video:  

Here is an excerpt of what he said: 


In a few weeks, our Year 5, 7, and 9 students will be undertaking the NAPLAN assessments, a significant milestone in their educational journey. To our younger boys, I want to emphasise the importance of giving your absolute best in these assessments. NAPLAN is not just a series of tests; it's an opportunity for you to showcase the knowledge and skills you've gained throughout your time here. It's a chance for growth, improvement, and a measure of your progress. 
Now, I know exams can be a bit nerve-wracking, but remember, they're not meant to be a source of stress. They're a tool to help you and your teachers understand your strengths and areas where you can continue to grow. Approach them with confidence, knowing that you have been well-prepared by our dedicated teachers. The results from external assessments are vital for the school to understand how well we're doing, where we can improve, and where our strengths lie. 
I encourage every one of you, regardless of your year level, to approach your upcoming assessments, both internal and external, with determination and a positive mindset. Remember that the results are not just a reflection of your individual efforts but contribute to the collective success of our entire school community. 
Our teachers have been working tirelessly to prepare you for success. They believe in your potential, and so do I. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and the Marist spirit of connection and courage that runs through our veins. In the coming weeks, focus on your studies, and remember that every question is an opportunity to show what you've learned. Together, let's make Marist College Ashgrove proud. Let's strive for excellence together! 


Below is our NAPLAN schedule for 2024. 

Year 8: Extension Science  

In the spirit of hands-on learning and scientific exploration, our Extension Year 8 students recently had the opportunity to delve into the intricate world of plants through an engaging flower dissection practical. The hands-on nature of the dissection allowed our budding scientists to apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to a real-world context. As petals were carefully separated, and tiny reproductive structures revealed, a palpable sense of discovery filled the room. 

Lions Youth of the Year  

The Lions Youth of the Year program has a proud history of encouraging and fostering leadership skills in Australian students approaching the end of their high school years. By emphasizing qualities like academic skills, sporting and cultural involvement, public speaking, and contribution to the community, Youth of the Year aims to bring forth the next generation of outstanding Young Australians.  


Last Week Remy Versace (Year 12) represented the College in the Lions Youth of the Year Competition at the Ashgrove/The Gap Lions Club. Unfortunately, he did not come out with a win but he represented the College beautifully. We are extremely proud of his achievements.



Year 7 Tutoring   

Just a reminder that our Year 12 Academic Captains are running tutoring for the Year 7 boys on Wednesday afternoons (3:15pm-4:15pm) in Room 105. We encourage students to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, as our Year 12 leaders share their wisdom and support for our Year 7 students. 








Term 1 Assessment

Exam block schedules have been released. 


As we move towards the end of the term many assessment tasks are due across all year levels. Exam Block Schedules will be released this week on Student Café and the Parent Portal.   


The end of Term 1 Exam Block is being held for Years 8, 9, 10 and 12 students. Below is an outline of these important assessment blocks:  

  • Year 5, 6 and 7 – Formative and summative assessments will take place in normal timetabled classes.  
  • Year 8 and 9 – Summative exam block will run from Monday 18 – Friday 22 March.  
  • Year 10 and 12 – Summative exam block will run from Friday 16 – Friday 22 March.  
  • Year 10 will remain at school during the exam block and are not on exam block privileges.   
  • Year 11 students will remain in normal classes as they continue work on Unit 1. The end-of-unit exam block will be held in Week 5, Term 2.  

 Students in Years 5-10 will all remain at school throughout the assessment period. The only cohort who are granted study leave (to study at home and only come to campus for scheduled assessments) is Year 12. Any Year 12 student not up to date with all required assessment items will not be granted study leave and will be required to remain at school. This includes modules for Certificate and Diploma courses.  


The Term 1 Exam Block Schedule for each year level will be released to students this week. Make-up exams will be scheduled for Monday 25 March and throughout Week Ten. A reminder that if students are absent for an exam, a medical certificate is to be submitted for all year levels. Year 11 and 12 medical certificates must list the specific illness and not just state “medical condition”.  


We encourage our boys to best prepare for these examinations by studying each day. The College Diary outlines the minimum expectations for homework, revision, and study across Years 5-12:   

  • Year 5: 40 minutes inclusive of reading   
  • Year 6: 40-60 minutes inclusive of reading   
  • Year 7: 60 – 80 minutes   
  • Year 8: 60 – 90 minutes   
  • Year 9: 90 – 120 minutes   
  • Year 10: 120 – 150 minutes   
  • Year 11 and 12: 180 – 240 minutes.   

 This study is pertinent given the time of term. Students are encouraged to create a study and homework schedule each week, so this time is managed effectively.   

Quiet Study  

Each morning the Resource Centre (senior library) is open from 7:45am to 8:30am for quiet individual study.  All boys are encouraged to use this space to get themselves organised and ready for the day.  

Year 12 Study Night  

The library will be available for Year 12 students on Wednesday nights from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Collaborative work is encouraged. All normal library and school rules apply. Free dress is permitted. Please sign in and out at the library front desk. This is a wonderful initiative from the senior academic leaders – please use this privilege accordingly.  

Old Boys Maths Tutoring  

It is wonderful that we are able to continue to offer Maths tutoring every morning in Room 402 from 7:40am-8:30am.  We have a wonderful group of Old Boys who return each morning to support our boys with their Maths.  Any boy from Years 7-12 is welcome to attend.    

Old Boys Tutoring List  

Please find here a list of Old Boys who are available to tutor your son outside of school hours.  This list can also be located on the parent portal or via this link.  Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to organise and liaise tutoring times with the Old Boys.   

Study Tip  


Meet Our Academic Captains 

Name: Thomas Demeteryous 

House: Foley 


What do you want to do when you leave school? 

Progress further into the tax accounting sector. 


Best study tip you use?  

Study in groups with friends focused on the same subjects as you. It really helps build motivation to study and generally makes the experience far more enjoyable. 


When do you most like to study?  

I prefer to study at night, usually starting around 8:00pm. The minimal distractions around that time really helps me stay focused. 


What are you most looking forward to this year? 

I'm excited to spend one last memorable year with my friends. 


What would you spend your last $20 on? 

I would probably spend my last $20 on food.