From the Acting Head of College

Mr Charles Brauer

Count Her In 

 Surrounding young people with healthy role models is a key focus of our work as educators. As parents we do the same. There comes a time when our children also need third-party role models - those in our children's social spheres they respect and admire. A Marist education is blessed with each of these - parent role models, staff role models and the best role model of all, Mary.


Mary's story is one of courage, conviction and care. Mary courageously responded to the call of being mother to Jesus. She remained by his side until the end. She cared for his every breath. In the same way Mary role modelled this for Jesus, women across the world are role models to us and our young people - the women scientists, economists, artists, writers, pilots, philosophers, innovators, mathematicians, poets, soldiers, musicians, astronauts, politicians, humanitarians, activists and leaders. We take the opportunity of this week's International Women's Day, guided by the United Nation's theme, to Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress. 


International Women's Day (IWD) (Friday March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organisation specific (United Nations).


Tomorrow's College Assembly will provide our students with the opportunity to grow in awareness of Counting In the women of majority world nations who endure health inequities. In particular, the inequities of maternal mortality (deaths due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth). Mortality rates of Central Africa, South Asia and Australia are 1 in 27, 1in 320 and 1 in 17,000 respectively. Although there has been a positive improvement in these rates, much inequity remains. Our Year 12s will lead our community in the support of Birthing Kit Foundation Australia who promote and provide birthing kits to women in Africa to improve infections and infectious diseases. Year 12 students will be invited to purchase these after collectively packing up these kits during this week's ASH lesson. I commend the work of our Year 12s with this special project and the important role it will play in making a difference to our world and to Counting In mums of our world. 


Our gratitude is extended to Madonna Spillane and Lucy Hislop who have recently tendered their resignations. Both are currently on leave and we hope their leave is panning out to be all they have hoped for.  Madonna will leave us at the end of the term having served our College for 24 years, offering quality teaching, collegiality and friendship to countless students, staff, parents and community members. Lucy will finish up with us after her leave finishes in the first few weeks of Term 2 having served the College for 16 years. The expertise, care and commitment Lucy has provided to our Primary students has been exceptional. We will provide occasions for both staff and students to farewell Madonna later this term and at the beginning of Term 2 for Lucy. We wish Madonna and Lucy the very best as they step into the next stage of their journey 

Our work with the students reaches a peak at this time of term. This is the time to focus our energies on doing the simple and important well. I encourage all students to give their very best with the respect to their engaged presence in the classroom and efforts with their assessment. Punctuality and preparedness for each and every lesson are fundamental to maximising class time. Our students have had a very positive start to the year in many ways. Now is the time for our collective attention and efforts to be extended to our students to sustain this. 


Congratulations to our AIC Swimming Team on their wonderful efforts at today’s AIC Championships. Today saw the culmination of many dedicated hours of training and lead up events. A sincere thank you to our staff and parents for your commitment to our swimmers, especially all those pre-dawn wake up calls! We look forward to acknowledging another extensive swimming season at tonight’s presentation occasion. 


We wish our Year 8s and supporting staff the best with this week's Pastoral Days. These are key formative experiences for our students as they are guided to develop a greater sense of self and sense of others. These Pastoral Days are constructed in concert with our ASH classes and spirituality experiences for our Year 8 students.


Our engagement in community service work continues to thrive. The Clean Up Australia Day of last Friday, combined with this week's Fare Share Charity Kitchen program, are vital in providing opportunities for our students to enact our mission of making a difference to our world beyond our gates. 

Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch 

Join us for this premium ticketed event and help transform a young boy’s life. The Champagnat Trust bursary program assists boys from families experiencing financial hardship to attend Marist College Ashgrove. Bursaries provide full, half or part of tuition, boarding (where applicable) and compulsory fees for students entering Years 5 to 12. 


Over the past 20 years, parents, Old Boys, and the extended community have come together to raise funds for this worthwhile cause. Previous bursary recipients have achieved success in professions including engineering, carpentry, law, media, property, music, and rugby. 

The Marist College Ashgrove Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch is more than an event, it is a celebrated tradition within the community. Regularly a sellout, the event has grown year on year (attracting 900+ attendees in 2023) to become one of the most sought-after tickets in town with attendees from across the school and broader Southeast Queensland corporate and commercial community. 

In 2024 our generous guests and supporters are in for a captivating day hosted by Rupert McCall. Joining the memorable occasion are special guests including the iconic Luc Longley, the legendary Gary Ablett Jr. and the insightful Sam Lane. Adding to the afternoon, esteemed patrons John Eales and Matthew Hayden will be revisiting highlights from the past two decades. 

A live and silent auction and raffles will provide guests with engaging and enjoyable opportunities to further contribute. 


Date: Friday 31 May 2024, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre - Great Hall 

Standard ticket: includes two-course lunch and a six-hour beverage package 

Purchase tickets here: 


May we take time to consider the role we each play with furthering societal equity in support of justice, fairness and balance with and for women. We give thanks to the special women role models in our lives - our mum, sister, Aunty, grandma, nanna, loved ones, alongside those third-party role-models - the women scientists, economists, artists, writers, pilots, philosophers, innovators, mathematicians, poets, soldiers, musicians, astronauts, politicians, humanitarians, activists and leaders. May we give special thanks to our Marist role Mary, Our Good Mother. 


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.


Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day
Environment Group - Hive Splitting and Honey Tasting
Environment Group - Hive Splitting and Honey Tasting
Environment Group - Hive Splitting and Honey Tasting
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Year 5 Bands and Strings Program
Year 5 Bands and Strings Program
Year 5 Bands and Strings Program
Year 6 Parents Function
Year 6 Parents Function
Year 6 Parents Function
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Premier Ensembles Concert
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day
Environment Group - Hive Splitting and Honey Tasting
Environment Group - Hive Splitting and Honey Tasting
Environment Group - Hive Splitting and Honey Tasting
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Boarding Sunday Night Mass with Stuartholme
Year 5 Bands and Strings Program
Year 5 Bands and Strings Program
Year 5 Bands and Strings Program
Year 6 Parents Function
Year 6 Parents Function
Year 6 Parents Function
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
AIC Sport - Round 6 vs St Pats
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi
Rugby Union Camp at Currimundi


Upcoming Events

Tuesday 5 March

  • AIC Swimming Championships (Year 12 attending as supporters)
  • Year 12 Sport and Rec Vic Park
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • FareShare Charity Kitchen Visit
  • Old Boys Meeting

Wednesday 6 March

  • Year 8 Pastoral Day: Ridley, Foley, Harold, Rush
  • Mass in Chapel
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • College Assembly
  • Year 12 University Showcase - Draney Foyer
  • Years 11 and 12 University Showcase - Draney Foyer
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre

Thursday 7 March

  • Year 8 Pastoral Day Ephrem Gilroy Ignatius Slattery
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Year 12 SOR Ethics Incursion – Draney Theatre
  • St Vincent de Paul Meeting - Room 801

Friday 8 March

  • International Women’s Day
  • Head of College Tour
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • Secondary AFL Photos
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • AIC AFL Round 6 v St Laurence College

Saturday 9 March

  • AIC Round 6 v St Laurence College
  • Cricket / Volleyball Photos

Sunday 10 March

  • Rugby Union 1st XV Trial
  • Boarders’ Mass (Chapel)

Monday 11 March

  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Year 9 Students – Champagnat Centre Device Check
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre

Tuesday 12 March

  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Year 7 Students – Champagnat Centre Device Check
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • FareShare Charity Kitchen Visit

Wednesday 13 March

  • NAPLAN Online Tests - start
  • Mass in Chapel
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Year 12 Sport and Rec Vic Park
  • Year 10 Cert 2 Outdoor Rec
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre
  • Debating – Marist Senior A v All Hallow – Gregory Terrace

Thursday 14 March

  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Pastoral Group – Paper Recycling
  • Environment Group Meeting Break 1B 801

Friday 15 March

  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • AIC AFL Opens Round 7 v St Edmunds College
  • Year 5 Parent Function in Tower Courtyard

Saturday 16 March

  • AIC Round 7 v St Edmunds College (H)

Sunday 17 March

  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – 8:30am - 1:00pm
  • Marist Old Boys Retreat Day
  • Rugby Trial v Downlands College
  • Boarders Mass’ (Chapel) - 6:00pm