From the Principal

Mid year Enrolment
Its an exciting time of year as we start to look forward to our first mid-year intake of receptions in a very long time. A mid-year intake allows parents to enrol students born in the middle of the year in preschool and school at a time that is more appropriate to their age and their stage of development. As a school we are well prepared to welcome new students in Term 3 and we are keen to hear from families who intend to enrol their child in the middle of the year.
From 2024, South Australian government primary schools will introduce a mid-year intake to reception, following the introduction of preschool mid-year intake last year.
This means children who turn 5 between 1 May and 31 October 2024 can start school in term 3 (July), 2024, instead of waiting until the following year.
And if you’ve got a little one eligible, now’s the time to register them!
The Department for Education has a range of tools to help you including a handy school finder and an age calculator to find out when your child can start.
For more information visit
Harmony day
We celebrated Harmony day last week, and it was wonderful to see the work that all classes were involved in to better understand the ideas around living side by side with many cultures. Students played cultural games at recess and lunch, and cultural food and music was shared in break time. At WGS we are lucky to have so many different traditions in our school, and it is always a treat to learn more about everyone's unique upbringings and cultures.
Staffing Update
It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that we inform families that Rachel Dolman has accepted a teaching and learning position at Woodville Gardens School, supporting Literacy development with EALD students from R-6. Rachel has been a committed and caring teacher for this class, and she has supported her students to be independent, caring and capable learners in term 1. We are excited for her new challenge but sad to see her move out of classroom teaching.
We have managed to secure a teacher who has worked with Rachel’s class for the last few weeks as a replacement teacher. We would like to welcome Janaya Callaghan into 1007. Janaya has been supporting 1007 students over the last few weeks while Rachel has been supporting EALD learners and she is well positioned to work with Rachel to ensure continuity of learning for all the students in 1007. We look forward to her contribution to the learning.
Rachel has made herself available for interviews in week 10, and will be able to introduce Janaya to families at this time and answer any questions you may have.
Early Dismissal
Please remember that we will dismiss classes at 2:00 on the last day of Term (April 12)