


Bus Information

As of Monday, bus drivers will begin to charge students a fare if they do not show a conveyance pass. Students will receive their bus pass either today or tomorrow.Important information regarding  bus passes:

  • Students must show their conveyance pass upon boarding their school bus or pay a fare.
  • Conveyance passes are ONLY for travel between HOME AND SCHOOL , on school days, between 7.00am to 10.00am and 2.30pm to 5.00pm, Not outside these hours, Not on weekends.
  • If students lose their conveyance pass it is a $10 fee for a replacement pass.

 Students should return their 2023 Bus Pass to the Front Office when collecting their 2024 Bus Pass where possible/if it is still in your possession. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact  Elizabeth Behsmann  Phone (03) 5023 0274Address 8 - 10 Bathurst Court, Mildura, VIC 3500 / PO Box 752, Mildura, VIC

Wentworth Bus

As of Monday, bus drivers will begin to charge students a fare if they do not show a conveyance pass. Students will receive their bus pass either today or tomorrow.Important information regarding  bus passes:

  • Students must show their conveyance pass upon boarding their school bus or pay a fare.
  • Conveyance passes are ONLY for travel between HOME AND SCHOOL , on school days, between 7.00am to 10.00am and 2.30pm to 5.00pm, Not outside these hours, Not on weekends.
  • If students lose their conveyance pass it is a $10 fee for a replacement pass.

 Students should return their 2023 Bus Pass to the Front Office when collecting their 2024 Bus Pass where possible/if it is still in your possession. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact  Elizabeth Behsmann  Phone (03) 5023 0274Address 8 - 10 Bathurst Court, Mildura, VIC 3500 / PO Box 752, Mildura, VIC

Harmony Day

The college has been celebrating Harmony Week this week. For those that placed orders, we have had many cultural taster meals provided by the caf which has been a hit. Classrooms have been celebrating cultures and promoting inclusivity in all settings. Make time at home to chat about your family’s cultural heritage and how you celebrate!

The Resilience Project


Working on gratitude helps us to be thankful and appreciate what we have in our lives, rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we want. When we practise being grateful, we start to scan the world to look for positives – this only takes 21 days! Practising gratitude every day increases our levels of energy, and helps us to feel happier and more focused, determined and optimistic. It even helps us have better sleep, lowers levels of anxiety and depression and we are less likely to get sick. So many benefits – let’s all try to be grateful for the things and people in our lives every day!

Whole Family Activity:

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

As a family create a scavenger hunt list of things that make you happy or you are grateful for, you can make your own list or use the examples below:

  • Something that makes you happy
  • Something you love to smell
  • Something you enjoy looking at
  • Something that is your favourite colour
  • Something you like in nature
  • Something that is useful for you


Each member of the family uses the list and has to find as many things as they can.

You can hunt for things inside or outside, or both. You can hunt for real things, or you can also do this using magazines or pictures from the internet.

After a set amount of time hunting, come back together, have a look at what each person collected and let them explain why they are grateful for each item.


Family Habit Builder:

Every night at dinner, have each person talk about their favourite thing about that day.

Road Safety

If your child is riding their bike or scooter to school could you please make sure that they are wearing a helmet.  There are way too many students not wearing helmets.

School Uniforms

The Purpose of the College Uniform is:

  1. To foster collective and individual pride in the College
  2. To create a sense of identification with the College
  3. To enhance individual student safety and  group security
  4. To engender self-discipline
  5. To create a sense of equality amongst the students
  6. To promote a positive image of our school in the community.

It has been great that most of our students come to school wearing the correct uniform every day with pride. It is an expectation that students are in full uniform and when this is not possible, a parent needs to provide a letter/message with an explanation of why, and when their child will be back in full uniform.

A reminder that only plain white or  plain black shirts/jumpers  are able to be worn under the school polo top or shirt, NOT HOODIES. Parents may be contacted by the school when there is an ongoing issue to try to rectify the concern.  It would be great if families could ensure students are able to come to school in the correct uniform. Your support with this is much appreciated.

The official school uniform includes:

  • Wearing plain black bottoms with:
    • No meshing or transparent parts
    • Minimal branding (eg. a small, discreet logo)
  • Wearing official College upper-wear including:
    • Official Primary or Secondary jackets
    • Polar fleece jumpers
    • Knit jumpers (secondary)
    • Year 10 Rugby Tops

Australian Dental Health Van

Australian Dental Health VIC Van will be visiting Merbein P-10 early in 2024.

Australian Dental Health focuses on providing All Children with a fair go to be seen and properly educated by a health care Professional.  

Regardless of eligibility every child within every school will be seen. 

More information will follow in the new year, including forms to indicate whether you would like your child to be seen by Australian Dental Health during their visit.  


Parent Payment Schedule

Attached is a copy of the Parent Payment Schedule and requisites for 2024 


Supervision of Students in the Yard

Yard duty teachers from the Secondary area are on yard duty from 8.20 am, and the Primary area from 8.40am before school and until the final bus departs in the bus area at 4 pm after school.  During recess and lunch, teachers from both Primary and Secondary sections are on duty to ensure students are in the appropriate areas and are participating safely in activities. Please ensure students do not arrive at school before 8:15am unless they are travelling on one of the early school buses, as they are not supervised in the yard. Any students who arrive prior to supervision starting will be directed to sit in the cafeteria.

Photographing, Filming and Recording Students - Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice

During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey/camps/excursions/sports events etc, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and on classroom blogs.

Merbein P-10 College understands that parents and carers have the right to withhold permission for our school to use photographs, video or recordings of your child (apart from circumstances where the school is not required to seek consent – see our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy available on the school website -

Please read the attached Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice for further information.  It is an Opt-Out form so if you have read this notice and are comfortable with the school using photos, video or recordings of your child as described above, you do not need to take any further action. 




Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind. 


Why it’s important 

We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day.

If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school.

There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.

Each missed day is associated with progressively lower achievement in academic and social development.

What we can do

The main reasons for absence are:

Sickness – There are always times when students need to miss school, such as when they’re ill. It’s vital that they’re only away on the days they are genuinely sick, and setting good sleep patterns, eating well and exercising regularly can make a big difference.

It's encouraged that family holidays are planned during school breaks where possible, and not during the term if it can be avoided. 

Day off” – Think twice before letting your child have a “day off” as they could fall behind their classmates – every day counts. “

Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher and let the school know as early as possible.


If your child is going to be absent, it is important this is communicated to the school via Compass or calling on 50252501.

Updating Details

Have you changed your address or phone number in the past three months or has your family situation changed?  If so it is important that you pass on your new details to the school. Please contact the school office between 8am and 4.30pm school days or email 


Canteen Prices




Uniform Shop

School uniforms can be purchased from the school’s main office between the hours of 8am and 4.30pm during the school week.  If these hours are inconvenient for you, please ring the school to make an alternate arrangement.

School Bank Account

BSB - 633 000

Bank Acc Number – 176208320

Account Name - Merbein P-10 College Official Account

Breakfast Club

The Merbein & District Community Bank is financially supporting the Breakfast Program.  Foodbank Victoria also supports the breakfast program with donations of food.  The following organisations provide volunteers to assist with the program when COVID-19 restrictions allow;  the Board & Staff of the Merbein & District Community Bank, Merbein Development Association, Merbein Lions Club, and Merbein Uniting Church.  Merbein P-10 College parents are also welcome and encouraged to volunteer.  The Breakfast Program is held in the school cafeteria.  All students are welcome to come along between 8.15am and 8.45am each morning if they would like a FREE tasty breakfast to kick-start their day's learning.


Student Absences

If your child is away from school, please notify the school before 9.30am. The preferred method to notify of absences is via the compass portal or by phone or sending an email to the following email address:

An automated text message will be sent to your phone if your child is not at school and the school has not been notified.  

Saver Plus