Acting Principal

Mr Casey Stoetzer

Staffing Updates

We have been lucky to welcome Leonie Storer to our Administration Team. Leonie has joined our amazing team that keep the school running each day, welcome Leonie!


Also, as some may already be aware, Pete Arney will be taking leave for the remainder of this year as he takes up a contract at Hopetoun P-12 College for 2024. We wish Pete and Liz all the best with their move.

Building Update

Work has continued on Stage 3 of our building project with the new admin area taking shape quickly.  There will be several other works taking place over the Easter Break, so keep an eye out for these projects when we start back in Term 2.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Primary Parent Teacher Interviews will take place next Wednesday 27th from 3:30 - 6pm.

Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews will take place the first week of Term Two on Wednesday 17th April. 

All parents are encouraged to book an interview time with their child’s teacher.  Bookings must be made through Compass. Instructions on how to do so can also be found in the newsfeed section on Compass. 


Over the past week students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 completed tests on reading, writing, conventions of language and numeracy. We are very pleased by the effort of all of our students. Catch-up tests will still be running this week. 


End of Term Arrangements

Thursday the 28th of March is the last day of Term 1.  Students will be dismissed at the earlier time of 2.15pm.  The school buses will also run an hour earlier to coincide with our earlier dismisal time (this excludes the 250 bus. Students who catch this bus will need to find alternate arrangements to get home.  The Wentworth bus will run as normal, 3pm).

OSCH will also finish at the earlier time of 5pm.  

Thank you to students, staff and community for making this such a successful term and start to the 2024 school year. I wish all of our staff, students and families a very safe and happy Easter break with friends and families.  

School will resume for Term 2 on Monday, 15th April.