Special Alumni Interview: Jake Jeffery - 2023 DUX 

Creating Futures Together

When did you start at WHSC?

I started at Wheelers Hill in Year 7, so I guess you can call me an OG.

What was your favourite subject?

Out of all my years, the subject that stands out the most would be Specialist Maths through VCE. When I first decided to try it in Year 11, I wasn't expecting it to be as interesting and rewarding as it was. I also enjoyed cooperating with my classmates as we tried to make sense of the content. Specialist Maths is definitely a subject that I recommend to anyone who loves a challenge.

What are you studying at Uni?

I am studying Science and Engineering at Monash University. I have just completed week four, and I am enjoying university life so far. My only complaint so far is that the sushi is too expensive; but apart from that, I am excited to see what the next few years bring for me.

What is something at WHSC that you absolutely loved being a part of?

By far, the best thing that I was a part of at WHSC was using a medium-sized trebuchet for a Physics experiment. Every moment of that experiment was fun, from planning it to actually using it, and we all loved seeing the younger students showing interest in the experiment too.

Who was your favourite teacher?

Asking a student their favourite teacher is like asking a parent their favourite child (There is an answer, they just don't want to make the others sad). Over my years at Wheelers Hill, I have had many different kinds of teachers; however, there are a few names that I just cannot choose from. Funny enough though, my top three have all taught me VCE Maths. (You know who you are). 


What are you most proud of from your school experience?

I am most proud of how I backed myself and constantly pushed my abilities as a student. Even though I had enormous support from my family, teachers, and peers, only I could keep me going. Looking back over the years, I can see how much I put into my school journey, and I can see how rewarding all the hard work was.

What is your favourite memory of school?

By far, my favourite memory of school is chilling with my mates every day at recess and lunch. I have developed many long-term friendships throughout the years, and that is ultimately what carried me through high school.

What advice can you give to current students?

My main advice is to keep going. Just like many other students, COVID killed my momentum and motivation when it came to school. I know how hard it is to get moving again, so make sure you don't stop in the first place. You will have the rest of your life to do everything you want, so take the chance to set yourself up for a bright future. Take advantage of what school has to offer, and build real friendships.