Student of the Month


As part of our acknowledgement of students who are representing our College Values, we will be presenting Student of the Month awards to students we believe have best represented the values during each month.


7A- Grhitha Tirumalasetti


"Grhitha has had an excellent start to the year, especially considering she joined the school later in the term! She is always on task, polite, engaged and seeks to help others."



7B- Naomi Ashley


"Naomi comes to class prepared and ready to learn. She is always on task and puts a lot of effort into her work. "




7C- Afnan Ali


"Afnan is always on task, trying his best, seeking assistance or helping others. Afnan always gives 100% in PE pracs and supports his peers to do their best."


"Afnan holds himself to a high standard in his learning. He minimizes the impact of distractions. He often asks questions that go beyond his learning."

7D- Vidya Kolli


"Vidya is always on task, trying her best, helping others, aspiring to achieve and being a kind polite member of the class. "





7E-Nabiha Jamil


"Consistently demonstrating school values of respect, aspiration and achievement, and acceptance." 




7F- Mansoor Anwar


"Mansoor is consistently demonstrating our school values of respect, acceptance, aspiration and achievement. He makes the effort to go above and beyond with putting in effort to every lesson and around campus."


7G- Gurkirat Singh


"Gurkirat has made an effort to work towards his IEP goals. He challenges himself to try new things in class, such as reading and applies himself to his tasks to the best of his ability. 


Gurkirat has been very active in class, putting his hand up and answering questions even when he struggles to explain himself. He has not allowed himself to be discouraged when someone laughts at him for making a wrong pronunciation. Hit attitude to learning is very positive despite the challenges with language."


7H-Reece Bamford


"Reece actively has participated and led class discussions, proving support to fellow students and completing all work to a high standard.  Reece has shown a consistent commitment to positively engaging with teachers and his peers within the classroom. He is always on task and completes his work on time."