Immunisation Program 

School Immunisation Program - Year 7 Students 2024


The URL consent links for the Year 7’s will close at 9am on Wednesday 17 April. 


The Wyndham Council Immunisation service will be visiting your child’s school on Thursday 18 April to administer these vaccines


The National Immunisation Program schedule recommends your Year 7 student receive the following vaccines FREE:



The HPV vaccine GARDASIL®9 protects against seven HPV types which cause over 90% of cervical cancer in women and over 95% of HPV-related cancers in both men and women. It also protects against an additional two HPV types which cause 90% of genital warts. The vaccine provides best protection when given at a younger age and before a person becomes sexually active. The vaccine prevents disease but does not treat existing HPV infections. A single dose of the HPV vaccine provides protection against the Human Papillomavirus for all healthy adolescents.



single dose boosts your child’s immunity to Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough).


Consent for the vaccines is to be given on-line via the Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal

Please go to the following link to register your consent: 


If you do not wish your child to receive either of the vaccines, please go to the link above to indicate this.