P&C News
The upgrades to the Old Hall into a Performance Centre are nearing completion and once the carpet is laid the new Baby Grand Piano will be delivered. The GIHS P&C with the support of White Rock Grants and other generous donations from Community Groups and individuals have been able to contribute to this project with the new Piano, new curtains, and lighting trusses. The plan is to have an Opening Event – details to be announced next term. This will involve a showcase of our Creative and Performance Arts – look out for the event information to come and check out the upgraded infrastructure.
The P&C committee has been working closely with the school at P&C meetings since the start of the year in providing feedback and suggestions to: The School Improvement Plan, GIHS Prospectus, GIHS School Information Pack, GIHS Website, GIHS Sentral Portal, GIHS School Bytes, GIHS newsletters and Permission notes and agreements. Meetings are a great way to build a connection with the school and if you wish to know more information, please consider attending the meetings or speaking to any of our P&C members.
Meetings are scheduled for Term 2 are:- Tuesday 28th May @ 6pm and Tuesday 2 July @ 6pm.
The GIHS P&C is supporting the Wellbeing Centre's purchase of weekly food along with the school and Woolworths contributions.
Another project that has just been approved is an upgrade to the school bubblers to a modern style system – allowing refilling of water bottles. Working with the SRC representatives at our meetings the students have identified the locations that would be best to have the Hydrobanks installed. There is an opportunity to have personalised artwork featured on the Hydrobanks and the SRC is going to provide that for the 3 systems that will be installed.
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