Principal's Message 

Angela Dawson

Easter Raffle

Thank you to all our school families who donated treats of all different types to our Easter Raffle fundraiser. Your very generous donations were gratefully received, and helped the school raise an amazing total of $2382.00. The winners will be announced at assembly this afternoon, with hampers to be collected at assembly.


Thank you to the team of wonderful parents who came to assemble the many hampers. Nic, Debbie, Wei, Lauren and Jess spent a long time putting them together...thank you for your generosity of time.  I am sure that our winners will be very appreciative!


School Council

After the close of nominations for the Valkstone Primary School Council, the number of nominations was less than the number of vacancies in the parent membership category, so no ballot/voting was required. 


I would like to welcome the following people to the Council for 2024 for the first time:

  • Talia Fine
  • Anjali Bhatnagar
  • Elena Klugman
  • Verity Sheppard (Department of Education)

I also welcome Huw Carisbrooke back for another term on Council.


We have a very dynamic, focussed, friendly and fun group of people on School Council, and I look forward to working together with them over the coming years 


Exciting Update: Transforming our Gym Foyer into a STEM Learning Space

I am thrilled to share an exciting progress update regarding the conversion of the Gym Foyer into the dedicated STEM teaching and learning space! We are excited to see the space taking shape and envision the possibilities it holds for our students.


Over the past few months, our building team has been hard at work executing this project. I am delighted to report that significant headway has been made, and we're on track to finish this dynamic space that will inspire curiosity, creativity and innovation among our students. 


Walls have been erected, joinery installed and additional utilities installed to accommodate the specialised needs of a STEM-focussed environment. Construction work is due to finish soon, with the glass install, floor grind and vinyl flooring installation due to take place during the holidays.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our teachers and students for their flexibility while construction has taken place. Particularly, I would like to thank Kylie Kidd and Kate Savigny, who have been very gracious turning themselves into 'roaming STEM teachers' while their teaching space is being created. As you can imagine, it wouldn't be easy having to carry your teaching program and resources around from classroom to classroom every 50 minutes!


I can't wait to unveil the finished STEM learning space to you next term, and begin to witness the impact it will have on our students' educational journey. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement as we strive to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.