Primary Art

Term 1 Primary Art Wrap Up
Junior Primary
During term 1 Foundation students looked at and learnt about the primary colours of blue, red and yellow and how these are special colours as all other colours can be made from them. They also learnt about shape and pattern and how patterns can be made up of repeated shapes. The students combined their understanding of both of these art elements to create their own collaged dragonflies and butterflies that were inspired by the art of Clare Youngs. The students used stamps to create patterns with primary colours and continued to consolidate their skills of tracing, cutting and glueing. Students placed the shapes appropriately to make their compositions.
Year 1 and 2 students learnt about warm and cool colours. They looked at the artwork of Eric Carl (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and how he uses collage to create the illustrations for his books. The students created their own collaged gardens by combining warm coloured flowers with cool coloured grass, sky, stems and leaves. This technique makes the flowers pop out and become the focus. Students gained the understanding of how shape and layering can be used to create a composition.These students have also worked on their tracing, cutting and glueing skills.
Kerrie Royals
Middle Primary
Year 3 have had a busy Term 1. They started off with a self-portrait in pencil, then moved on to creating a collage of opals using oil pastels and paper after looking at the artwork of Jenny Kee. Finally, they did an artist study of Australian artist Emma Whitelaw. They viewed some examples of her still life paintings, analysed how she used elements of art such as colour, space and pattern and began creating their own still life paintings of native Australian flowers in vases in Emma Whitelaw’s style.
As the term comes to a close, we're excited to share the wonderful artistic journey our Year 4 students have taken. Inspired by Australian artists Belynda Henry and Greta Laundy, they've created captivating collages bursting with colour, shape and pattern. Throughout the term, students mastered complimentary colour and painting techniques, bringing their collages to life with vibrant hues and intricate designs. They've also learned about landscape composition, exploring background, middle ground, foreground, and horizon to add depth and perspective. What sets their collages apart is the unique touch of pattern and pzazz added with paint markers, each piece reflecting the creativity of its maker. We're proud of our students' dedication and creativity, and their collages are proudly displayed in the windows of room 38 for all to celebrate.
Senior Primary
Year 5 started off Term 1 with introductory self-portraits. Their pencil drawings depicted an impression of their view of themselves as well as listing some key words and phrases that represent who they are. Following this, they studied the artwork of Australian artist Bernadette Twomey who creates beautiful abstract botanical artworks. The students were able to identify and describe how Twomey uses elements of art such as line, colour, shape and space in her work before creating their own botanical paintings in the same style using acrylic paint and paint pens.
This term, our Year 6 students embarked on a fun and funky artistic journey inspired by the celebrated Australian printmaker Rona Green. Exploring anthropomorphism, they skillfully integrated human qualities into their bird portraits, bringing them to life with personality and charm. Through foam printmaking, students delved into the intricacies of line and space, mastering the concepts of positive and negative space. Their deep dive into printmaking has resulted in a whimsical collection of artworks that showcase creativity and newfound skills. We're immensely proud of their dedication and artistic growth this term.
Renae Mackay
Natasha Brown