
From the 2nd-6th April I had the opportunity, through the Asia Education’s BRIDGE Lighthouse Partnership Program, to once again visit our partner school SMPN20 Singkawang in West Kalimantan.
As with previous visits it is always so much more than just visiting a school. It is being immersed in Indonesian life, living with Indonesian friends and their families and sharing ideas and information with other Bridge schools and even the Department of Education and Culture in Singkawang. This time it had the added experience of being a part of the Islam Ramadan season, whereby people fast during the day for 1 month before the celebration of Idul Fitri (or Eid). The early morning call to prayer took a little getting used to but I was not expected to fast, even though most of the staff and students at SMPN20 didn’t eat after 4am until almost 6pm, every day! Breaking the fast with friends or Bukber (Buka Bersama) as the locals like to call it was a highlight. It is an excuse to get together, eat delicious treats and then usually a full meal as well! This was often followed by going to a café for coffee.
The first morning at SMPN20 I was welcomed with a traditional dance and was able to visit every classroom. This was an informal visit and I answered student questions about Australia and particularly about St Mary’s College. The most popular question was about the subjects we study. I think they were surprised to learn that the subjects were very similar to their own. It is always good to notice the similarities as well as the differences. It was also lovely to see the familiar faces of the teachers who also gave me a warm welcome. Then we visited the garden that was set up with funding from a previous grant. It was somewhat overgrown because the extracurricular activity that looks after it doesn’t run during Ramadan. In fact, the students go home at 11am during Ramadan.
The next few days I was able to visit other schools and each time I was greeted with a welcome dance and a gift. The Indonesian people are very generous. I also had the opportunity to give presentations. Our partner school was particularly interested in the Design and Technology programs we run at St Mary’s College. With the help of Ms Renae Mackay and Amanda Hard I was able to share photos and slide presentations of the wonderful things we do and make here at SMC.
Overall, I had a wonderful visit and my hope is that I can share this experience directly with interested staff and students sometime in the future.
Angeal Molinaro