P & F News 


That’s it! Term 1 is over. What a fantastic school term it has been and once again the P&F committee would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to each of you. The support, time, and effort that each of our St. Fidelis' families puts into P&F events/activities is very generous and much appreciated.  We would like to remind you that the P&F’s goals are the following:

  1. To foster strong, positive, internal school, and external community relationships AND
  2. To fundraise for financial support, which increases the number of resources and safe, productive learning spaces available to our St. Fidelis' children.

We can happily announce that both these goals for Term 1 were met successfully! The P&F committee hosted numerous events/activities and as a school community we fundraised $12,639.73. This is a HUGE effort, one to be very proud of. The P&F committee look forward to bringing you more events/activities in Term 2 (and beyond) but for now, we would like to say HAPPY EASTER to everyone and ENJOY THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! Please see the below Term 1 treasury support for each of the Term 1 activities. Thank you.

The Village Bakery Hot Cross Bun Drive

Thank you to each of the families who supported this drive and purchased one or more packets of VILLAGE BAKERY hot cross brioche buns. Your delicious goodies will be arriving today – Monday 25th March. As you know, the Village Bakery (Damian and Anastasia Spyrou) have kindly donated ALL PROFITS to St. Fidelis, meaning that this drive fundraised a TOTAL of $2,640. This is an amazing result, thank you to the Village Bakery!

Baker’s Delight Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea 

Baker’s Delight in Coburg (The Fairbank Family) kindly organised and ran a hot cross bun morning tea for the St. Fidelis students. Not only did the children purchase delicious Baker’s Delight buns, but they also supported their school with the FULL PROFIT that Baker’s Delight kindly supplied. This morning tea fundraised a TOTAL of $385! Thank you to Baker’s Delight Coburg for your generosity.

Community Open Day Profit and Loss Statement

As you know, the Community Open Day was a huge event that as previously stated would not be possible without the internal school staff/family support we receive, but also not possible without the extended community support of local businesses that we receive.

The P&F Committee believe that all St. Fidelis' families should be aware of where your financial generosity goes, so please see below for the full profit and loss statement of this event. A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all the businesses that supported this event (please see previous newsletter article for the list) but especially thanks to our school family run businesses – The Village Bakery, Baker’s Delight Coburg and Food Family Passion for your support with the Community Open Day.

2nd Hand Uniform Donations

We welcome any donations of second-hand uniforms for our upcoming stalls. Please ensure that the uniforms:

  • Are in acceptable condition with no fading, missing logos or stains.
  • Have a school logo or are PSW labelled, therefore no Kmart/Target/etc. purchases.
  • Are in a clean condition.

Please place your items in a bag and hand into the school office to donate. 

Many thanks.

Upcoming Term 2 Events

Mother’s Day Stall – TBA

Mother’s Day Event & Raffle – Friday 10th May

Plus, our usual Uniform Stalls and Lunch Order Days.

THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:

JOSIE SERVELLO – 0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com     

REBECCA KOUTIVAS – 0430 344 194   bterra86@gmail.com