What's happening in our learning spaces? 


FLWArsema - For being a focused learner when completing your written tasks throughout the week. Great effort, Arsema!
FAPKenzo - For sharing your amazing rhyming skills during our whole class reading. You are very clever Kenzo!
1/2VSAni - For showing courage and persistence when engaging in new and challenging learning opportunities. You are a superstar! 
1/2VKGabriella - For being a persistent self-manager. You make good choices each day for your learning. Keep it up, you are a superstar in 1/2VK
1/2VBIsabel - For your determination and hard work in all areas of learning this week. Keep up the great work. You’re amazing!
3/4BPJasmine - For showing a great understanding of the Place Value system when renaming numbers. You are a super mathematician! 
3/4SHElla - For consistently being a kind, caring and compassionate person. You go above and beyond to help, and we are so lucky to have you. Thank you Ella!
5/6OSAmber - For being a dedicated learner who continuously puts in 110% effort and constructed an extraordinary creative writing piece titled “Tiny Adventurer”
5/6BZEliana - For being such a curious learner when engaging in our book study for Boy Overboard. Excellent Eliana!
5/6MCAva - For all the effort you put into designing your Harmony Day symbol and representing all cultures in your artwork, well done Ava!
Maths Alessia - for being such a great Thinker in Maths. I love that you have been working on your maths and persisting with your maths facts.  Well done Alessia. 


It is hard to believe that we are entering the final week of Term 1 in  Foundation. The term has quickly flown by! Today marks Day 32 as we count towards 100 Days of School.


As part of The Resilience Project, this week we focused on identifying different feelings. As thinkers, we watched a video and had to use the clues to guess the emotion. We then discussed the different facial expressions and the body language that portrays these feelings. We have also explored friendship this term through TRP. We learnt all about sharing through the story of the Rainbow Fish, and celebrated the new friends we have made so far at school. As communicators, we shared all the things we love about our friends, such as how kind they are, or how they help us and play with us. 

As members of the Catholic Faith Community, we have been engaging in learning about the events of Holy Week. We have explored Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday so far by tuning in with the thinking routine “See, Think, Wonder”. We look at an image that represents the event, identify the things we notice, what we think is happening and any wonderings we have about the image.  As thinkers, we then engage in a scripture about the event and find out new information that may answer some of our wonderings. 

Each year level will have the opportunity to engage in a Liturgy for the different events of Holy Week and ours is Palm Sunday which was acknowledged today. 

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 15th April, ready to begin Term 2!


Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips & Alycia Marsico, 

Foundation Team

YEAR 1/2

It is hard to believe that it is already the end of Term 1! This term has gone by so quickly, and we are so proud of all the learning that has occurred in 1/2VS, 1/2VK and 1/2VB. It has certainly been a busy term, but we have all shown respect, persistence, kindness and responsibility. Congratulations everyone! 


As mathematicians, we will begin our next concept this week as we tune into the Days of the Week and Months of the Year. You can support your child at home by creating a monthly calendar and adding various events, including birthdays, swimming lessons, sports days, etc. Ask them to identify the day or date of the event. Further to this, counting forwards and backwards from various starting points, such as rocket counting, is a great way to assist your child in building on their numeric skills (they can teach you how to rocket count).

This is a friendly reminder that this Tuesday, March 26th, at 3:00 p.m., we will be hosting the Holy Thursday liturgy in the St. Fidelis Church. We hope to see all families in attendance. We would like to congratulate all students for their diligence in practising their prayers, our song, and for being courageous actors. It takes a lot of courage and persistence to do something as momentous as this, so well done! 

Lastly, a reminder that we have our excursion to Bundoora Park Farm the first week back, on the 18th of April. A huge thank you to all of the parents who expressed their interest in supporting us on the excursion. We received a lot of parents who were willing to help us. You will hear from your child's teacher this week if we have chosen for you to join us. Unfortunately, we cannot take everyone, but we will ensure that everyone has a chance in the future. 


Thank you for all of your support this term. We hope you all have a safe and happy Easter break with your loved ones, and we look forward to seeing you back at school for Term Two on Monday, April 15th.


Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis

1/2 Team

YEAR 3/4

As inquirers, we have begun unpacking our big question, “Exploration: What’s the impact?”. We gathered as a year level to draw what we think an explorer looks like and we justified our thinking. Take a look at our drawings!

As members of the Catholic Faith, our Year 3 students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday evening. It was a wonderful celebration and we congratulate all the students for their reverence. 

We celebrated Catholic Education Week by exploring the idea of “In the light of Christ”. As part of this, we discussed how we can share our light with others, discipleship, free will and human dignity.


As innovators, we collaborated in small groups on our first design sprint in STEM! Our task was to build a bridge using three sheets of A3 paper and one metre of masking tape. We faced many challenges in our groups but we persevered and created amazing designs. The final step of our project was to test to see if our bridge could hold an object. Some bridges were a success! 

As mathematicians, we used MAB blocks to build the tallest possible towers as part of our Place Value learning this week. While we precariously balanced our blocks, we also explored the concepts of renaming and expanding large numbers. There was a lot of crashing construction which really tested our resilience at times, but thankfully, we persevered and did a fantastic job!  

As active members of the St Fidelis' Community, a big well done to all our Year 3/4 students who performed or were involved with the stalls at our Community Open Day on Sunday. A big thank you to all the families and friends who organised the event, participated in the stalls and came down to support too.

As resilient learners, we would like to congratulate all Year 3 students on their perseverance, determination and positivity throughout this NAPLAN period. Well done for all your effort!


We wish you a Happy Easter and restful holiday break. See you in Term 2!


Year 3/4 Teachers

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan 

YEAR 5/6

Wow, the first term went so fast! We have had a great start to the year, many fun activities and events that have occurred, Buddy activities, interschool sports, St Patrick's Day, Sovereign Hill Camp just to name a few.


In the SLA we are working very hard to create mini liturgies for students to host in the SLA, each Wednesday a small group of children will be running a mini liturgy for the rest of the SLA as a way of sharing our Catholic faith within our learning community, during these liturgies students will include aspects of prayer and an event or theme for the week. We are looking forward to beginning these at the start of Term 2.

As mathematical thinkers, we have been extending our place value understanding when finding out about decimal numbers. As a way of finding out about decimals we created play dough, to use as a way of creating a whole number and breaking this down into tenths, hundredths and thousandths. 

As readers, we have been engaging in a book study with the book “Boy Overboard” by Morris Gleitzman. As a way of unpacking and sharing our understanding of a character in the book we traced ourselves and wrote some of the qualities of that character inside the outline.

Well done to the Year 5s for completing NAPLAN, your commitment and patience through all of the testing days was amazing. We congratulate all of you on these fantastic efforts!


A big congratulations to Miss Maddie’s class for sharing such an amazing assembly on Harmony Week. We loved hearing about Harmony Day and Week and what it means to celebrate this event. Your logos were so detailed and colourful too!


This week we will be engaging in our Paraliturgy related to Easter Sunday, this will take place on Wednesday at around 3:00 (after the 3/4s).


We hope you have an amazing and safe Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 2.


The Year 5/6 Team, 

Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut