From the Office

Please contact the school office on 6423 1373 if you require any clarification.

School Photos

School photos are scheduled to be taken next Wednesday 27th March. If you would like to place an order for photos of your child or family group, these are to be placed online. Please find information below on how to order.


Please note that the cut-off date for sibling photos this Sunday 24th March at 4:00pm. 


Orders for individual photos can be taken up until the day.


Full summer uniform is to be worn, including either the blue woollen jumper or navy layered jacket for primary students and the maroon blazer and formal uniform options for secondary students.


For students who have PE on Wednesdays, please come to school in full summer uniform. 

Easter Service Assembly

Please join us from 8.35am on Thursday 28th March for our Easter Service Assembly in the Jiloa Centre.


All are welcome.

Easter Public Holiday Dates

A friendly reminder that school will be closed on the following dates:


Friday 29th March (Good Friday)

Monday 1st April (Easter Monday)

Tuesday 2nd April (Easter Tuesday)


School will re-open on Wednesday 3rd April.


Enjoy your extra long weekend!

Extended Leave

With school holidays fast approaching, please be reminded of the following from our Parent Handbook regarding extended leave during school terms:


Parents must notify the school in advance for a planned absence (such as a holiday or appointment) and this will be placed into the SchoolPro attendance system. Family holidays are required by State Law to be marked as unauthorised absences (See 3.3 in Attendance Policy with reference to the Education Act 2016). Parents wishing to take their children travelling during the school term for a period longer than 1 week, will need to complete an ‘Application for Extended Leave’ form and meet with the Principal for approval prior to travelling. This meeting will discuss a learning plan either before, during or after the trip to allow the student to catch up with work missed. 


Please contact the school office if you require an Application for Extended Leave form.

Book Club

We are sending home a copy of the latest Scholastic Book Club catalogue with all students.  If you do not receive a catalogue, and would like one, please come and visit us at the school office.  Alternatively you can view the catalogue online here.


Parents please note: whilst the book clubs offer you the opportunity to purchase top quality books at great prices, as well as allowing us to expand our resources, you are under no obligation to purchase items.


All book club orders must be placed online via Scholastic Book Club LOOP for parents.  LOOP is the Scholastic Book Club Linked Online Order & Payment platform. 


To order and pay, please visit: or download the LOOP app from your App Store.


The current catalogue will close on Wednesday 27th March.


For further information, please visit: to find out more.

School Parking - Kiss and Collect

Kiss and Collect is a two-minute parking space to use when you would prefer not to leave your car. Students can be dropped off in the morning and collected from 3:05pm in the afternoon, without the need for the driver to leave the vehicle. 


Please do not park and wait in this space as that can cause parking congestion in the driveway. If you park and your child is not already waiting for you, please leave and go back around and through the driveway and park again. This will give your child time to move from their classroom to the Kiss and Collect waiting area. Students are dismissed at 3:00pm and then need five minutes to make their way from the classroom to the Kiss and Collect area.


Handy tip: if you want to come through after 3:15pm you will find there is usually no line up making for a quick get away!


Kiss and Collect has a staff member on duty until 3:30pm. Any students not collected from Kiss and Collect before 3:30pm will move to the Reception Foyer area to wait for collection.

Early Learning

At DCS we offer two fun and friendly Early Learning programmes.  Come along and connect with others over a delicious hot drink while your children play.  Please call the school office on 6423 1373 if you require further information.


Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts is a hands-on nature-based playgroup for children aged 3 and 4 years and is held every Thursday from 8:45am - 10:30am. Gather together in the Kinder room and we will then move across to the garden area.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email Lauren at

Jiloa Juniors

Jiloa Juniors is held every Friday from 8:45am - 10:45am and is for children from birth to 5 years with their carers. Jiloa Juniors is held in the Kinder area.

We hope you can join us!