What's Happening In Secondary

News and Information from Secondary

High School Musical Junior

Things are well and truly heating up for the East High Wildcats/DCS Production of High School Musical Junior! Students have been acting, dancing and singing through rehearsals during lunches and after school this term, showing great passion and commitment to the show. 


During our Beyond Design block, a group of students have also elected to help design and create some of the costumes and props for the show. Students were shown a list of different props that needed to be created and given freedom to go and research, brainstorm and draft a few concepts for a project of their choice. Afterwards, they will meet with the “client” and discuss their concepts, before a final concept is then revised or chosen, resourced and ultimately created. Having the opportunity to participate and have more involvement in the show has provided much joy for our cohort, including those who are more keen to be side stage, than on the stage, and certainly helps this director get everything done on schedule!


In a show that is all about students coming together, overcoming the ‘rules’ of society that might keep them apart, I could not be more proud of the start we have made and the teamwork that has been on display. We cannot wait to put the show on in the last week of Term 2 and share our marvellous creations and skills with you all.


Go Wildcats!

Upcoming Events:

Thur 21st March Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
Fri 22nd March9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Sun 24th March4.00pmFamily (Sibling) Photo orders 
Wed 27th March School Photos
  Inter-High Swimming Carnival
Thur 28th March Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
 8.35amWhole School Easter Service Assembly
Fri 29th March Good Friday
Mon 1st April Easter Monday
Tues 2nd April Easter Tuesday
Thur 4th April Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
  Secondary Athletics Carnival
Fri 5th April9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 8th April Year 8 Camp
Tues 9th April Year 8 Camp
Wed 10th April Year 8 Camp
Thur 11th April Year 8 Camp
  Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
Fri 12th April Last Day Term 1
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer