What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

Character First - Patience

For the remainder of Term 1 we will be focusing on the Character First trait of Patience. Character First defines Patience as 'waiting without getting upset.'


Patience is an interesting concept, and one that we all work through each and every day. The Character First website provides further clarity to this concept. Some things just take time —like growing up, traveling from one place to another or learning something new.  A patient person responds to these situations with a positive outlook and attitude. This includes trying new approaches and 'pushing through' in order to overcome obstacles.


An aspect of patience that Character First highlights is that it is a necessary part of life. Instead of getting frustrated when you face a difficult situation, patience helps you respond the right way—without getting upset or losing your temper. This makes everyone’s life better at school, at home, while driving in the car or when checking out at the shops.


There are 5 'I will' statements that we will unpack over the next few weeks:

  1. I will wait my turn.
  2. I will not complain when I don’t get my way.
  3. I will accept what cannot be changed.
  4. I will use my time wisely.
  5. I will try and try again.

Year 6 Canberra Camp Parent Information Session

A reminder that all Year 6 parents are invited to attend our Canberra Camp Parent Information Session tomorrow, Thursday 21st March, from 3:30pm in the Jiloa Centre. 


If you are unable to attend on the day, any questions can be emailed to the classroom teacher.


We look forward to gathering together and continuing to plan a wonderful Canberra experience with our Year 6 students.

Worship Wednesday

As a school we are excited to welcome all families to our Primary Assemblies each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 


We wish to advise that there will be no Worship Wednesday assembly on Wednesday 27th March due to school photos.


Please note Jiloa Café will be unavailable also.

ReThink Waste Workshops

This week the Prep to Year 5/6 classes participated in Rethink Waste workshops. They learnt about the importance of sorting waste and considered the impact that their choices as consumers have on the environment.


Students also learned about how to use the new FOGO bins that are being implemented across many councils in our area in the coming months. Fun fact that we discovered: clothing made of 100% cotton can be disposed of in the FOGO bin!

NWPSSA Twilight Carnival Results

Congratulations to all our students who attended the NWPSSA Twilight Carnival in Penguin last Thursday.  It was a fantastic effort by all who attended, and below are just some of the results achieved:








Long Jump





Special congratulations to the following students who have qualified and are now invited to attend the 2024 State Athletics Qualifiers PSST Carnival on Friday 10th May in Launceston:


Lucy (Yr 6) for long jump, 100m, 200m and relay

Sienna (Yr 5) for long jump

Sebastian (Yr 3) for 100m and relay

Upcoming Events

Thur 21st March2.30pmSoccer Share Table
 3.30pmYear 6 Canberra Camp Parent Information Session
Fri 22nd March8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
 2.30pmSoccer Share Table
Sun 24th March4.00pmFamily (Sibling) Photo orders close
Mon 25th March8.30amPrimary Assembly
Wed 27th March School Photos
Thur 28th March8.35amWhole School Easter Service Assembly
Fri 29th March Good Friday
Mon 1st April Easter Monday
Tues 2nd April Easter Tuesday
Wed 3rd April8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
Thur 4th April Prep-Yr 4 Learn to Swim Campaign
  Secondary Athletics Carnival
Fri 5th April8.30amPrimary Assembly
  Prep-Yr 4 Learn to Swim Campaign
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 8th April8.30amPrimary Assembly
  Prep-Yr 4 Learn to Swim Campaign
Tues 9th April Prep-Yr 4 Learn to Swim Campaign
Wed 10th April8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
  Prep-Yr 4 Learn to Swim Campaign
Fri 12th April Last Day Term 1
 8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer