Deputy Principals

Damien Brownsmith, Kylie Lake, Harmonie Attwill, Natalie Conway

Welcome to Term 2

The Parent Code of Conduct and Community Charter outlines how schools and families can build and maintain strong respectful relationships while supporting student learning and wellbeing.


The new FGHS Smoking and Vaping Policy


The Role of an Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO)


The Department of Education rejects all forms of racism and is committed to the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in NSW public schools. The Department’s Anti-Racism Policy aims to ensure that no student, employee, parent, carer or community member experiences racism within the school environment. 


The policy asks all members of the school community to assist in countering racism by demonstrating respect for the cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds of others, and by behaving in ways that promote acceptance and harmony in the school environment. 


Francis Greenway High School has an Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) who is trained to assist with countering racism and supporting the school community when making complaints of racism in schools. For more information about the policy and the role of the ARCO see Anti-Racism Policy - Information for parents and carers


Thank you for assisting us to maintain a positive school environment in which all forms of racism are rejected. Please contact the school's senior executive if you or your child experience any form of racism, witness anyone experiencing racism at our school, or if you would like further information or support.


The ARCO at FGHS is Miss Harmonie Attwill.

Compulsory School Attendance

What are my legal responsibilities as a parent? 

Education in New South Wales is compulsory for all children between the ages of six years and below  the minimum school leaving age of 17 years. The Education Act 1990 requires that parents ensure their children of compulsory school age are enrolled at, and regularly attend school, or, are registered with the NSW Education Standards Authority for home schooling. Once enrolled, children are required to attend school each day it is open for students.


The importance of Arriving at school and class on time: 

  • ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day 
  • helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine 
  • gives students time to greet their friends before class 
  • reduces classroom disruption. 

Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.


What if my child had to be away from school? 


On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include: 

  • Being sick, or having an infectious disease 
  • having an unavoidable medical appointment 
  • being required to attend a recognised religious holiday 
  • exceptional or urgent family circumstance e.g. attending a funeral.

Following an absence from school you must ensure that within 7 days you provide your child’s school with a verbal or written explanation for the absence. However, if the school has not received an explanation from you within 2 days, the school may contact you to discuss the absence. 


Principals may decline to accept an explanation that you have provided if they do not believe the absence is in the best interest of your child. In these circumstances your child’s absence would be recorded as unjustified. When this happens the principal will discuss their decision with you and the reasons why. 


Principals may request medical certificates or other documentation when frequent or long term absences are explained as being due to illness. 


Principals may also seek parental permission to speak with medical specialists to obtain information to collaboratively develop a health care plan to support your child. If the request is denied, the Principal can record the absences as unjustified.


My child won’t go to school, what should I do? 


You should contact the Deputy Principal as soon as possible to discuss the issue and ask for help. Strategies to  help improve attendance may include a referral to the school’s learning and support team or linking your child with appropriate support networks. The Deputy Principal may seek further support from the Home School Liaison Program (HSLO) to develop an Attendance Improvement Plan.


What might happen if my child continues to have unacceptable absences? 


It is important to understand that the Department of Education may be required to take further action where children of compulsory school age have recurring numbers of unexplained or unjustified absences from school. Some of the following actions may be undertaken: 

  • Compulsory Schooling Conferences
  • Application to the Children’s Court – Compulsory Schooling Order
  • Prosecution in the Local Court

We ask that you seek assistance from the school to support you and your child to attend regularly. If your child is refusing to attend school please do not report their absence as sick. If you are responding to the system generated absence from school, indicate that your child is refusing to attend, so that the relevant staff can be notified to support their return.


Damien Brownsmith, Kylie Lake

Harmonie Attwill and Natalie Conway

Deputy Principals