Our Community Notices 

What's Happening in the Hood?

Community Announcements

NDIS Connection Day - Tuesday June 11 2024

School Canteen Volunteers Welcome

We would love more volunteers to help in the canteen, even if it is just for a couple of hours.  If you are interested please contact the school on 4964 1282 and leave your details and we will be in touch.

Parents and Citizens Committee Shout Out

We have a P&C meeting once per term and would love to see some of our school community, parents and carers get involved.


The P&C raise money through our canteen sales and we work with the school to best utilise those funds to benefit as many students as possible.


If you would like to be a part of the conversation and can spare 1 hour per term we would love to meet you. Meetings are held in the School Learning Hub (Library). Keep an eye out on the FGHS facebook page and our school LED sign for details of our upcoming meetings. Come and have a cuppa and learn more about us and our school. This term our meeting and AGM will be held on Monday June 24 at 6:00pm.


We can be contacted through the school on 4964 1282 if you would like any further information.


Thank you

Canteen Team