TAS Faculty

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, 

The TAS faculty and students have been busy this term with project design and the building of major projects. 


Year 9 Industrial Technology students have been learning to apply Work Health Safety practices when using tools and equipment in the workshop. They have done this by making an organisation station to store their accessories including phones, keys, glasses, watches and ear pods. 

A Year 9 IT Timber project
A Year 9 IT Timber project

Year 10 Industrial Technology Timber students have been developing their skills by making a carry-all toolbox and making a storage box featuring dovetail joints. They are now preparing to make a coffee table as their major design project.

Year 10 IT Timber students
Year 10 IT Timber students

Year 12 Industrial Technology Timber students have reached the halfway mark for their HSC major design projects. They have been making good progress with some impressive projects starting to take shape. No doubt they will be busy in the coming weeks!

Year 12 Hospitality students have been busy achieving their competencies and practicing their skills running a café every Thursday at lunch for staff. They have been selling a range of hot and cold beverages and selling some tasty house made treats!



Year 11 VET students are also busy preparing for work experience in term 3. They are currently undertaking a workplace readiness program designed to focus on WHS and safety in the workplace. We can't wait to hear about their experiences next term . 


TAS Faculty