Science Faculty
"The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow" - Edward Teller
Science Faculty
"The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow" - Edward Teller
We have been up to a lot in Science recently. Mrs Andruschak and our Laboratory Technician Ms Lugg, took a group of Year 8 students to the Build Me a Future STEM Challenge at the University of Newcastle. Students formed groups and participated in a number of challenging STEM related activities over the day. The students learned a lot and had a great deal of fun while they were at it!
These are just some of the activities from the day. As you can see, Year 8 seemed to be really engaged with what they were doing.
Over the end of last term and the beginning of this term, students in the Support classes undertook a project to design an earthquake proof building. Students engaged in planning their build according to set specifications and constructing using a limited supply of materials. The results were amazing, with the strongest buildings being able to hold nearly 1 kilogram! Below are some of these terrific builds.
To finish with, I though I should add some humorous photos of students learning about electricity using the Van de Graaf generator. It truly was a hair raising experience!
In the next edition, keep an eye out for the winning design in our Science Week shirt design competition. We have had some excellent entries and deciding on a winner will be a hard choice.
Until next time!
Michael Latta
Sciency Faculty