Art / Cultural / Music / PE & Health / Library / Auslan

Specialist NewsΒ 



It’s been a very busy, exciting and tiring start to term 2 with our school swimming program taking place for all students from day one.

Students have been excited about catching the bus to and from school to Waves Leisure Centre, and then worked extremely hard to develop their swimming skills and water safety knowledge whilst having a great time with their friends and classmates.

We have had wonderful support from many parents with getting students changed and dressed after their swimming, and along with the Le Page staff, students have done a great job in getting out of the water and getting dressed, without too much fuss and without leaving too many belongingsΒ  behind.

Each day has included developing swimming skills, with one day having a focus on water safety, which required students to bring extra clothes to swim in, to learn what to do if they fell in a pool or the water with their clothes on.

The final day finished with some water skills and fun activities in the pool and students had a great time.

Thankyou to all staff, parents and family for their support, and congratulations to all students for the way they conducted themselves throughout the program and making it a huge success.


Special Guest Speaker

On Monday 22nd April, we had a guest speaker from the VIS Community Programs β€˜Be Fit, Be Well’ come and present to our year 3-6 students.

Emily Hamilton-Smith is a young lady with aspirations of one day playing for the Hockeyroos at the Olympics. She has represented Australia in under 23 Junior Championships, and is trying her best to reach her full potential. She is also local to our school, playing for Southern United Hockey Club at the end of Farm Road.


She spoke to our students about four main ideas.

  1. Challenge – which was about embracing challenges that come your way, and be positive to overcome set backs. Emily spoke about the challenges she has had through her sporting career and how she has used positive thinking to work through this. She also highlighted that our failure help us towards success.


  1. Curiosity – she spoke about being curious and trying new things to help you find that passion and things you are good at to be successful. It is important to try lots of different things and be curious to help you achieve your best.


  1. Gratitude – she spoke about being grateful for what you have, and your family for supporting you to be able to reach your full potential.


  1. Finally she spoke about nutrition and the importance of nutrition on your health, body and mind. The importance of eating great colourful food with lots of fruit and vegetables.


The students were so lucky to hear from such a strong, healthy and confident young lady and to be a positive role model for all students to dream big and work hard to achieve your success.Β 


Jarrod Bradley

PE/Sports Coordinator





Welcome back! I hope you all had some time to rest and recharge in the holidays.


There is now a special focus shelf in the library.

It will have different books on it depending on public holidays and other celebrations.

Right now, there are lots of ANZAC books on it, ready to be read and borrowed.

Thank you, Aiza, Arizona and Lachie L, for making this display.


There is also a special body positivity display now; this was made by the Body Bright group of year 6 students. Thank you for all your hard work with this.


Our next Scholastic Book Fair is also fast approaching, so keep your eyes out for more information to come.


Stay warm, and keep on reading!




Auslan in Prep

The preps have enjoyed their first weeks of Auslan. We have learnt that Auslan is the sign language of the Australian deaf community. It’s a way of communicating using visual hand shapes in combination with body language and facial expressions. They have all learnt to sign hello, how are you, good and started learning the alphabet focusing on the first letters in their names. They have been very enthusiastic and would love to show you what they have learnt.

Years 1 to 6

As the end of term approaches we have been learning our final topic, Vegetables. The students have learnt a lot of signs for different foods throughout the term including breakfast foods and some items you might find at the shops – ice-cream was a popular one to remember! Next time you are out at the supermarket maybe they can show you the signs for some of the vegetables they find or items like bread, milk and eggs.Β 

New You Tube series launch from Auslan Education Services

Auslan Education Service, the team behind our weekly videos and program, have launched an exciting new You Tube channel called Auslan Time with Geo. The short videos will cover a range of Auslan signs and topics as well as include some interviews with special guests. It’s a great additional resource not only for schoosl but also any student or family who wants to learn some more about Auslan community, culture, and language at home. Head over toΒ Auslan Time with Geo on YouTube to watch his first videos!

