Physical Education

Hi Families,
Welcome back to another fun filled sport/PE term ahead.
Dates for the diary in Term 2:
Thursday 18th April - 5&6 Summer Gala Day
Friday 19th April - School Cross Country at St James (all students will compete in varied distances and this will act as a trial for the year 3-6 students for District Cross Country later in the term).
Monday 20th May - District Cross Country (Selected students)
Wednesday 12th June - Year 4 Winter Gala Day
Friday 21st June - Year 5 & 6 Winter Gala Day
Welcome back to another fun filled sport/PE term ahead.
House Cross Country
Our Whole School House Cross Country is on Friday (19th April). This is the first we have done (well since I have been here). We are hoping for some great weather and lots of house spirit. Students are encouraged to wear their sports uniform and a top with their house colour. Families are invited to spectate if they wish, below is an approximate timetable.
For the year 3-6 students this will also double as the trials for our District Cross Country coming up. All students in year 3 onwards turning 9 by the end of this year can trial for this event. The top 10 from the boys and top 10 from the girls may qualify.
All students are encouraged to participate (all students get a participation point for their house for turning up). If the distance is a little long for some they are able to jog or walk the distance. Any questions you can contact me at
Cross Country Timetable (approximate)
12.00pm - Prep - 2
12.05pm - welcome and instructions
12.10pm - Prep Boys & Girls - 500m run
12.20pm - Year 1 Boys & Girls - 500m run
12.30pm - Year 2 Boys run 1km (blue course below)
12.40pm - Year 2 - Girls run 1km
12.50pm - conclusion
1.00pm - Year 3-6 students assemble on the oval
1.05pm - welcome and instructions
1.10pm - 9/10 year old - Boys 2km run (and young year 5 students)
1.30pm - 9/10 year old - Girls 2km run (and young year 5 students)
1.50pm - 11 & 12 Boys 3km run
2.10pm - 11 & 12 Girls 3km run
2.35pm - conclusion and pack up
Year 4 Gala Day
Just wanted to give a big shout out to our students, teachers and parents that helped at Gala Day on Tuesday 26th March! Was a great day with both our European Handball and Rounders teams coming back with a flag and the entire cohort showing great sportsmanship and most of all having fun. A huge thank you to Bodiya and Monique for managing teams on the day.
Year 5&6 Gala Day
We finally have our year 5&6 Gala Day on Thursday 18th April. Thank you to those parents that have said they can assist us on the day, we really appreciate it. With so many teams between these two cohorts, these days can’t run without you. Still another year 5 European Handball (Girls) team that requires a helper if anyone is available. All the information can be found on operoo. A few still need to be provided with permission, please do so ASAP.
Please note there is a change in venue for Thursday. Teeball will now be played at Donvale Reserve (36-82 Mitcham Rd, Donvale).
Over the term, I am looking forward to introducing some Orienteering to our year 3-6 students as part of our PE lessons. In the meantime, Orienteering Victoria have asked me if I could send this information through about an Orienteering Day nice and close to us in the coming weeks. Would love to hear if anyone heads along to check it out.
Any uniforms you may have from last year, if you could please return by next week. Just trying to do a bit of a stocktake so we can get ready for the various competitions this year.
Have a great start to term.
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator