Dates to note...

2024 Dates:
Term 2
Thursday 18th April - 5&6 Summer Gala Day
Thursday 18th April - Online Parent Session (About Real Life) - 7pm
Saturday 20th OR Sunday 21st April - First Eucharist Commitment Masses
Thursday 25th April - Anzac Day - school closure
Friday 26th April - School Closure Day (MACS directed TIL day)
Tuesday 30th April - Family Sessions (About Real Life) - Yr 3/4 - 6:30pm - 7:30pm/ Yr 5/6 7:45pm - 8:45pm
Friday 10th May - Mothers Day Stall and event
Saturday 18th May - First Eucharist Celebration - 2pm
Saturday 15th June - P&F Major Social Event
Term Dates for 2024
Term One:
Tuesday 30th January to Thursday 28th March
Term Two:
Monday 15th April – Friday 28th June
Term Three:
Monday 15th July – Friday 20th September
Term Four:
Monday 7th October – Wednesday 18th December (TBC)